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All Ibis hotels in Shishi

  • 泉州, 中国


    Hotel is located at no 52 - 54 quanxiu street, Quanzhou, only 100 meters away from Quanzhou passenger center station, only 200 meters away from creative park - show heaven and earth. The gate of the hotel is the bus station, can reach Qingyuan mountain, laojunyan, kaiyuan temple, Guandi temple and other famous tourist attractions and overseas Chinese university, city administrative service center, etc.

  • 厦门, 中国


    宜必思厦门火车站酒店邻近购物商场、沃尔玛,距离火车站仅 200 米,附近还有许多热门景点,比如厦门大学、南普陀寺、中山路和鼓浪屿海岛。酒店客房设有独立卫生间、吹风机和免费无线网络。宜必思厦门开元酒店设有餐厅,距高崎机场 25 分钟车程。经过一年的整修后,厦门火车站的南广场于 2 月 4 号重新开放,5 分钟可步行至酒店。

  • 厦门, 中国

