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France - Paris

بون ليفيك: جميع فنادق إيبيس

  • ibis Paris Bastille Opera 11th - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس باستيل أوبرا في الدائرة 11

    يقع فندق ibis Paris Bastille Opéra في المركز التاريخي لباريس، بالقرب من نهر السين، مع وصلات مترو سهلة إلى نوتردام، ومتحف اللوفر، والشانزليزيه، والمتاجر، وما إلى ذلك، وعلى بعد 10 دقائق فقط من Gare de Lyon وGare du Nord. ومنطقة الأعمال بيرسي. استرخ في البار مع كوكتيل رائع، وتناول العشاء في مطعم Génie Sous les Etoiles، أو تناول وجبة فطور وغداء على التراس.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • ibis Paris Avenue de la Republique - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس ibis باريس أفينيو دو لا ريبوبليك

    في مبنى ساحر، يجمع فندقنا في Paris République بين طابع الراحة القديمة والمعاصرة. في مساحة تم تجديدها بالكامل، تضفي الجدران الحجرية والعوارض المكشوفة روحًا إضافية. كل غرفة عبارة عن ملاذ دافئ ومريح، يطل بعضها على أسطح المنازل في باريس أو ساحة الجمهورية Place de la République. نحن مهتمون بجميع احتياجات نزلائنا حتى نوفر لهم أجواءً رائعة.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • ibis Styles Paris République Le Marais - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس ريبوبليك لو ماريه

    يقع فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس ريبوبليك لو ماريه في وسط باريس، ويُوفر عرضًا شاملاً يشمل وجبة إفطار وخدمة WIFI مجانية والعديد من وسائل الراحة الأخرى. مع أجواء أنيقة ومبهجة - وعلى بُعد 33 ياردة من ساحة الجمهورية وخطوط المترو - يعد هذا الفندق مثاليًا لإقامة ممتعة ومريحة ومُجهز للضيوف من رجال الأعمال أو الأزواج أو العائلات في العطلة.

    Rated 3,7 of 5
  • ibis Paris Gare de Lyon Ledru Rollin 12th - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار دو ليون ليدرو رولان الدائرة 12

    بعد يوم طويل من مشاهدة المعالم السياحية أو العمل، انضم إلينا لقضاء عطلة لتجديد نشاطك. يقع فندق ibis Gare de Lyon Ledru Rollin في قلب باريس، ويرحب بكم في غرفه البالغ عددها 119 غرفة المجهزة بتكييف هواء ومفروشات Sweet Bed وخدمة WiFi مجانية بالألياف. اكتشف غرفنا الثلاثية والمتصلة للإقامات العائلية. ترحب بكم حديقتنا الخاصة طوال المواسم لتناول الإفطار أو المقبلات الكحولية أو حفلة موسيقية أو جرعة من فيتامين د!

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • Ibis Styles Paris Gare De Lyon Bastille - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس غار دو ليون باستيل

    انغمس في العالم المريح المتأثر بمطبعة يوهانس جوتنبرج. اكتشف الغرف الـ49 في فندق ibis Styles Paris Gare de Lyon Bastille، وهو فندق فريد من نوعه تم تجديده في عام 2019، وهو مستوحى من تاريخ الصحافة المطبوعة وثقافتها. يعد الفندق المجدد مكانًا عصريًا للإقامة والدردشة والعمل. تم تجهيز جميع غرفنا بمكيفات هواء وأسرّة Sweet Bed من إيبيس ibis وخدمة WiFi مجانية بالألياف.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • ibis Styles Paris Lafayette Opéra - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز باريس أوبرا لافاييت

    مرحبًا بكم في الضفة اليمنى! دور السينما الأنيقة والشعبية والمسارح والمقاهي والفنادق الفريدة من نوعها لجميع الطبقات. يقع فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس أوبرا لافاييت‬ في قلب باريس، بجوار جراند بوليفارد، وهو مليء بالأجواء المميزة. ستشعر بالرهبة من الديكور الجديد تمامًا، المستوحى من سانت سيسيل، القديس الراعي للموسيقيين. ابق منفردًا أو مع الأصدقاء أو العائلة في هذا المكان الجديد الذي يقع في وسط العاصمة.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • ibis Paris Bastille Faubourg Saint Antoine 11th - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس باستيل فوبور سانت أنطوان الدائرة 11

    يدعوك فندق إيبيس باريس باستيل فوبورج سان أنطوان الواقع في قلب باريس لاكتشاف سحر المدينة. بالقرب من محطة غار دو ليون وساحة الباستيل، يعتبر موقعنا المركزي مثاليًا لزيارة المعالم السياحية في العاصمة. استمتع بهدوء حديقتنا ذات التراس، وهي واحة خضراء في قلب باريس. يُعد هذا المكان المثالي مثاليًا للاستمتاع بتناول الكوكتيلات في أمسيات الصيف.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • ibis Styles Paris Gare de Lyon TGV - France
    باريس, فرنسا

    ibis Styles Paris Gare de Lyon TGV

    مع إيماءة إلى مهنة الأجداد، ابق في عالم الأعشاب في إيبيس ستايلز باريس غار دو ليون تي جي، الذي يقع مقابل المحطة، بعد الخروج من محطة المترو مباشرةً. يعد الفندق مثاليًا لإقامة الأعمال / الترفيه في وسط باريس، وتم تجديده بالكامل في عام 2021، ويحتوي على 44 غرفة نوم مكيفة تتسع لما يصل إلى 4 أشخاص. من الفندق، سافر إلى جميع أنحاء باريس على خطوط المترو رقم 1 و14 وRER A، خارج الفندق مباشرةً.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis جران بولفارد أوبرا الدائرة 9

    يقع فندق ibis Paris Grands Boulevards Opera 9th في قلب منطقة Grands Boulevards ومنطقة المسارح في انتظارك! على بعد 10 دقائق سيراً على الأقدام من أوبرا غارنييه وجاليري لافاييت، ستستمتع بهذا الفندق الباريسي النموذجي للإقامة في الأعمال / الأسرة. شرّفنا وحدك أو برفقة الأصدقاء أو العائلة، تحتوي جميع غرف aircon على بياضات أسرّة "Sweet Bed" وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية. يعد Chill # 38 مكانًا مريحًا للاسترخاء.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز باريس غاري دو ليست ماجنتا

    يُرحب بك فندق ‏‫إيبيس ستايلز باريس غاري دو ليست ماجنتا في عالم فني رائع مستوحى من فن الأجداد في الماوري، مع ديكور داخلي يتميز بتصميمات الوشم! كل غرفة عبارة عن لوحة قماشية حية، مزيج من العصري والتقليدي، مما يخلق جوًا غامرًا. يُمكنك تمديد تجربتك في غرفة الإفطار المزينة بأسلوب فن الوشم الياباني. استمتع بإقامة ساحرة!

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار دو ليون ديديرو الدائرة 12

    غرف النوم في فندق باريس غار دي ليون مريحة ومجهزة بشبكة WiFi مجانية عالية السرعة، وهي مناسبة لشخص واحد أو أصدقاء أو عائلة. إنه مثالي لإقامة اجتماعات عملك، مع غرف الاجتماعات الخمس المجهزة تجهيزًا كاملاً، بما في ذلك 3 غرف بضوء طبيعي. تتوفر أيضًا مساحة عمل مشتركة ممتعة ومشرقة، مثل البار المفتوح الذي يرحب بك طوال اليوم. موقف سيارات عام قريب مدفوع الأجر.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار دو ليست الدائرة 10

    يعكس الفندق سحرًا هادئًا ورائعًا لرحلات العمل أو عطلات باريس، ويتمتع بموقع مثالي في شارع هادئ على بعد 100 ياردة من Gare de l'Est و7 دقائق من Gare du Nord. يحتوي على 44 غرفة مكيفة مع كل ما تحتاجه بما في ذلك WIFI. حجرة الأمتعة المجانية متوفرة. يوجد الكثير من وسائل النقل العام بالقرب من الفندق حتى تتمكن من استكشاف باريس بأكملها!

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار دو ليست تي جي في

    تتميز الغرف المريحة للغاية في فندق إيبيس باريس غار دو ليست TGV بخدمة WiFi عالية السرعة، وتُعد مثالية للمسافرين المنفردين والأصدقاء والعائلات. يعد فندقنا مثاليًا لاجتماعات العمل، حيث يوفر 3 قاعات اجتماعات مُجهزة بالكامل مع إضاءة طبيعية. تتوفر أيضًا مساحة عمل مشتركة ممتعة ومشرقة، وكذلك البار الذي يُرحب بالضيوف طوال اليوم. تتوفر مواقف عامة مدفوعة الأجر في مكان قريب.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلزibis Stylesباريس غار دو ليست تى جى فى أل سيزنز سابقا

    إنّ الإفطار وخدمة WiFi مشمولان في كل الأسعار في فندق إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس غار دو ليست تى جى الذي يقع مقابل محطة القطار Gare de l'Est TGV وعلى بعد 5 دقائق من Gare du Nord. هذا الفندق قريب من مراكز الأعمال مثل مركز معارض Villepinte والمعالم السياح ية مثل متحف Louvre والمتاجر الكبرى وMontmartre ومطار Roissy Charles de Gaulle. وفي حال أردت حضور الحفلات الموسيقية أو الأحداث الرياضية، يمكنك التوجّه إلى Stade de France وحلبة Accorhotels Arena التي كانت تُعرف باسم ملعب بيرسي الواقعين على بعد 20 دقيقة.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ibis Paris Opéra La Fayette 9ème

    يعتبر فندق إيبيس ibis باريس أوبرا لافاييت المكان المثالي للسيّاح والعائلات والمسافرين بغاية العمل على حد سواء بفضل موقعه المميّز في وسط باريس. ويضم فندق إيبيس ibis باريس أوبرا لافاييت من فئة 3 نجوم 67 غرفة مكيّفة ومُعاد تجديدها ويقدم خدمة WiFi مجانية وبار ًا للوجبات الخفيفة. يبعد الفندق 10 دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام عن المتاجر الكبرى وجراند بولفارد Grands Boulevards وفولي بيرجير Folies Bergère وأوبرا جارنييه Opéra Garnier وقاعة أولمبيا Olympia الموسيقية.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار دي نور لافاييت الدائرة 10

    يعد فندق إيبيس باريس غار دي نور لافاييت الدائرة 10 بتجربة باريسية أصيلة. يحتوي الفندق الذي تم تجديده بالكامل على 70 غرفة حديثة ومريحة مع تكييف هواء وأسرّة Sweet Bed الجديدة من إيبيس وخدمة WiFi عالية السرعة. ابدأ يومك ببوفيه إفطار يشتمل على مجموعة كبيرة من المأكولات عالية الجودة. في المساء، استمتع بمشروب أو وجبة خفيفة في البار أو في حديقتنا الخاصة.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس كادي لافاييت

    يقع فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس كاديت لافاييت على مقربة من ‏‫مونتمارتر‬ وجراند بوليفارد وأوبرا. يُمكنك التنزه عبر مولان روج وكنيسة ساكري كور وممرات باريس المغطاة القريبة. احجز إقامتك في إحدى غرفنا البالغ عددها 46 غرفة في شارع باريسي جميل واستمتع بالترحيب الودي من فريقنا ووجبة إفطار مجانية سخية. يُمكن للنزلاء العمل والاسترخاء واكتشاف فنانينا المميزين في مساحة الردهة لدينا.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس بير لاشيز

    يقع فندق إيبيس باريس بير لاشيز في وسط مدينة باريس بالقرب من منطقة أوبيركامبف وعلى بُعد 0.6 ميلاً من أوبرا باستيل. عبر خطوط المترو 2 و3 والحافلات 61 و69، يتيح الفندق الوصول المباشر إلى محطات القطار في باريس (غاري دي ليون 15 دقيقة ومحطة أوسترليتس 20 دقيقة) والمعالم الرئيسية. يوفر الفندق 31 غرفة للحجز، بما في ذلك غرفة مخصصة للأشخاص الذين يواجهون صعوبة في التحرك، تم تجديدها بالكامل في سبتمبر 2023. خدمة WIFI مجانية.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس جار دي نور

    اكتشف المساحة العصرية والجذابة لفندق إيبيس باريس غار دو نور تي جي في. يقع في مبنى هوسمان، ويحتوي على 49 غرفة مجددة ومكيفة ومُجهزة بأسرّة Sweet Bed. ويضم بعضها شرفة، ويوفر البعض الآخر إطلالات على أسطح المنازل الباريسية. غرفنا العائلية الثلاثية ووجبات الإفطار اللذيذة تشكل الصيغة المثالية لاستضافتك أنت وأطفالك. هل أنت في رحلة عمل؟ استمتع بخدمة WiFi مجانية غير محدودة.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار دو ليون رويي

    يقع فندق ibis Paris Gare de Lyon Reuilly في وسط باريس على بعد دقائق قليلة من محطة Gare de Lyon. أثناء إقامتك، ستستمتع براحة فندقنا من فئة 3 نجوم والفناء الذي تصطف على جانبيه الأشجار. كما يقدم الفندق خدمة المشروبات والوجبات الخفيفة على مدار 24 ساعة. يتم تقديم الإفطار كل صباح على طراز البوفيه. هل تحتاج إلى مساحة لوقوف السيارات؟ يحتوي فندقنا في باريس 12 على موقف سيارات خاص مغطى مقابل رسوم.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ibis Styles باريس غار دو ليست شاتو لاندونأول سيزنز سابقًا

    اكتشف الراحة والسحر في فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس غار دو ليست شاتو لاندون، الذي يتمتع بموقع مثالي عند سفح غار دو ليست. تدعوك غرف نومنا الأنيقة والعصرية للاسترخاء بعد يوم حافل باستكشاف العاصمة. تم تجهيز كل غرفة بعناية لضمان راحتك، وتضمن وجبات الإفطار الشاملة لدينا أن تبدأ يومك بالطريقة الصحيحة.

    Rated 3,7 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس بلاس ديتالي الدائرة 13

    يقع فندق إيبيس ibis باريس بلاس ديتالي جنوبي باريس، على بعد 1,2 كلم من متحف التاريخ الطبيعي وكيلومتر من الحي الصيني و20 كلم من مطار أورلي Orly. يحتوي الفندق على 72 غرفة مكيفة في فصل الصيف والشتاء، تم تجهيز ثلاث منها للأشخاص الذين يواجهون صعوبة في التحرك. ي شمل الفندق بارًا وخدمة وجبات خفيفة على مدار الساعة وتراسًا متاحًا للاستخدام، بالإضافة إلى موقف سيارات خاص ومدفوع يتوفر عند الحجز. تجدر الإشارة إلى إمكانية إدخال الحيوانات الأليفة مقابل تعرفة إضافية.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس تور مونبارناس

    يبعد إيبيس باريس تور مونبارناس مسافة قصيرة سيرًا على الأقدام عن محطة القطار وبرج مونبارناس. تم تجديد الفندق بالكامل في عام 2019. للإقامات للعمل أو الترفيه، يمكنك الاستمتاع بوصول مباشر إلى برج إيفل والشانزليزيه ومنتزه بورت دو فرساي وباريس نورد فيلبينتي. يحتوي الفندق على 45 غرفة مع أسرة إيبيس جديدة وخدمة WiFi. يتوفر بار ووجبات خفيفة على مدار 24 ساعة.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis كانال سان مارتن

    يقع فندق إيبيس ibis Paris Canal Saint-Martin بالقرب من مستشفيات قناة سان مارتن وبوت شومون وسانت لويس وروتشيلد وبارك دي لا فيليت (Cité des Sciences). يقع Gare du Nord وGare de l'Est على بعد 15 دقيقة سيرًا على الأقدام. يحتوي الفندق الذي تم تجديده على 49 غرفة مكيفة وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية وبارًا + وجبات خفيفة على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع. وقوف السيارات المغطى في مكان قريب (الرسوم). تتوفر غرف ثلاثية ورباعية وخماسية عند الطلب للعائلات.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار دي نور شاتو لاندون الدائرة 10

    يقع ibis Paris Gare du Nord Château-Landon في شمال باريس، على بعد 400 متر من Gare du Nord وGare de l'Est، وعلى بعد 2.5 كم من Cité des Sciences والمتاجر الكبرى في Opera. RER B: مطار شارل ديغول واستاد فرنسا + مركز باريس: شاتليه، ليس هال، سان ميشيل، نوتردام. الفندق يحتوى على 165 غرفة مكيفة وواي فاي مجاني ومرآب خاص وبار + وجبات خفيفة 24/7.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس بيرسي

    كتاب ibis Styles Paris Bercy يقول "مرحبًا بك في بيتك"! فندق غير تقليدي بأسلوب "فن الشارع" صممه فنانون مشهورون عالميًا. ويتحسن الوضع - يشتمل السعر على الإفطار وخدمة WIFI والاستمتاع بأجواء سعيدة. مثالي لرحلة عمل أو إجازة سياحية أو حفلة موسيقية في أكور أرينا.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس بيغال مونمارتر

    تشمل الأسعار في فندق إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس بيغال الإفطار وخدمة WIFI غير محدودة. يتميز الفندق بموقعه المثالي في قلب باريس، على بعد خطوات قليلة من ساحة بيغال Place Pigalle، ومن تل مونمارتر Butte Montmartre، بالقرب من كاتدرائية القلب الأقدس Sacré Co eur، على بعد 500 متر من المولان روج، و5 دقائق من غار دو نور و10 دقائق من الشانزلزيه وغاليري لافاييت، و15 دقيقة من برج إيفل. ويحتوي على 49 غرفة مُجددة ومكيّفة إضافة إلى بار يفتح من الساعة 10 صباحًا ولغاية الـ11 مساءً.

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس أفينيو ديتالي الدائرة 13

    يُعد فندقنا الموجود بالقرب من بلاس ديتالي Place d'Italie مثاليًا للإقامة الترفيهية أو الإقامة بغاية العمل، ويضم غرف نوم مكيفة ومجهزة بخدمة WiFi مجانية، تتسع لـ 3 أشخاص كحد أقصى. إمكانية الحجز في موقف سيارات خاص مسقوف. من بين وسائل الراحة في فندقنا الواقع في باريس الدائرة 13، نقدم خدمة تخزين الأمتعة مجانًا لمدة 24 ساعة، ومتجرًا لعناصر السفر الصغيرة بالإضافة إلى الجيتار المتاح في مكتب الاستقبال. بالإضافة إلى أن لدينا خلايا نحل على السطح.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ibis Styles باريس بلاس ديتالي يوت أو كاي

    للحصول على فندق فريد من نوعه في باريس، يمكنك الإقامة في فندقنا في باريس الدائرة 13. في إشارة إلى هذه المنطقة المشهورة بفن الشارع، فإن الديكور والتصميم الحديث مستوحى من رسومات الغرافيتي في الشوارع. حيث تُصور لوحات الغرافيتي على الجدران في كل طابق المعالم الباريسية أو المشاهير. تحدد الخطوط الرسومية في غرف النوم وشاحنة الطعام في المدخل الإيقاع. استمتع ببار إيبيس ستايلز Butte-aux-Cailles الرائع وطاولة كرة القدم ومنطقة للأطفال.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس غار مونبارناس الدائرة 15

    يقع ‏‫فندق إيبيس باريس غار مونبارناس على بُعد دقيقة سيرًا على الأقدام من محطة قطار مونبارناس SNCF، وهو مثالي لإقامة رجال الأعمال أو الترفيه. ويوفر الوصول المباشر إلى الفعاليات الكبرى ومناطق الجذب السياحي مثل معرض باريس بورت دو فرساي وبرج إيفل وشارع الشانزليزيه. تم تجهيز غرفنا البالغ عددها 31 غرفة بمكيف هواء وأسرّة Sweet Bed وخدمة WIFI. تم تجديد غرفة الإفطار في عام 2024 ونحن نقدم بار 24/7 والوجبات الخفيفة.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس مين مونبارناس الدائرة 14

    يقع فندق ibis Maine Montparnasse في مبنى قديم من الطوب الأحمر على بُعد 10 دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام من محطة Gare Montparnasse. للعمل أو الترفيه، يمكنك الاستمتاع بإمكانية الوصول المباشر إلى المواقع السياحية والأحداث الرئيسية، مثل معرض باريس إكسبو بورت دو فرساي وباريس نورد فيلبينت وبرج إيفل والشانزليزيه. يحتوي الفندق على 102 غرفة مع مكيفات وأسرّة من نوع ibis جديد وخدمة واي فاي مجانية وبار وخدمة الوجبات الخفيفة + موقف سيارات خاص (بمقابل). مساحات ضيّقة.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس باريس غار مونبارناس كاتالونيا

    مرحبًا بك في فندق إيبيس ibis باريس غار مونبارناس! يقع فندق إيبيس ibis الأكثر حداثة على بُعد أقل من 5 دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام من محطة قطار مونبارناس، ويوفر 146 غرفة مكيفة مع خدمة WiFi. يقع فندقنا بالقرب من متنزه فرساي للمعارض والمعالم السياحية الرائعة في باريس، وهو مثالي للإقامة بغاية العمل والترفيه. تعال واسترخي أثناء النهار في أجواء بارنا الودودة. موقف سيارات خاص عند الحجز، ومحطات شحن كهربائية.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس ibis باريس إيتالي تولبياك الدائرة 13

    من ibis باريس إيتالي تولبياك، يمكنك الوصول بسرعة إلى الوجهات السياحية الرئيسية في باريس عبر محطة مترو Tolbiac وخطوط المترو 5 و6 و7 من Place d'Italie. يقع هذا الفندق بالقرب من محطات القطار Gare de Lyon وGare d'Austerlitz وGare Montparnasse. للوصول إلى مطار Orly، استقلّ الحافلة Orlybus التي تبعد بضع دقائق فقط سيرًا على الأقدام عن الفندق. يتميّز الفندق بـ 60 غرفة مكيّفة ومجدّدة بالكامل، منها 21 غرفة ثلاثية، بالإضافة إلى خدمة WiFi مجانية وخدمة وجبات خفيفة وبار على مدار الساعة وموقف سيارات مسقوف مقابل تعرفة.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز Ibis Styles باريس جار سان لازار

    فندقنا الأنيق هوسمان في باريس سان-لازار مثالي لرحلات العمل أو الترفيه، مع الأصدقاء أو العائلة. في جو مستوحى من الموضة في عاصمة الموضة والأناقة، توفر غرف نومنا الحديثة والعازلة للصوت الراحة والعملية. بالنسبة للعائلة، يمكن حجز إحدى غرفنا المتصلة. انتقل من غرفة نومك الهادئة إلى منطقة الإفطار المستوحاة من الأزياء الراقية.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس تولبياك بيبليوتك

    تعال واستمتع بترحيب حار في فندقنا في الدائرة 13 باريس. ستشعر وكأنك في بيتك في راحة غرفنا الفسيحة. مع بياضات أسرّة عالية الجودة ونوافذ مزدوجة بزجاج مزدوج وحمام مزود بحوض استحمام، يمكن للغرف أن تستوعب من 1 إلى 5 أشخاص. في ibis Styles الخاص بنا الساحر بشكل خاص، يمكنك قراءة كتاب من مكتبة اللوبي - إشارة إلى BnF القريب - تناول مشروبًا في البار أو طلب وجبة خفيفة في أي وقت.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس بدجت ibis budget باريس لافيليت الدائرة 19

    بالقرب من غار دو ليست/غار دو نور، يوفر فندق إيبيس بدجت ibis budget باريس لافيليت إمكانية الوصول السريع إلى أجمل المواقع السياحية في المدينة. تقع مدينة العلوم Cité des Sciences/قاعة Zénith على بُعد 10 دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام. تقع كنيسة Sacré-Coeur أو شارع الشانزليزيه Champs Elysees‬ على بُعد 15 و25 دقيقة بواسطة المترو. توفر الغرف خدمة WiFi مجانية وتستوعب حتى 3 أشخاص. من فندقك الاقتصادي، استمتع بالتنزه على طول ضفاف بحيرة Bassin de la Villette أو في حديقة Parc des Buttes Chaumont. موقف سيارات مسقوف ومدفوع.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis STYLES باريس مين مونبارناس

    مشمول دائمًا في أسعارنا: وجبة إفطار وخدمة WIFI. تم تصميم غرفنا من قبل STOUL، وهو فنان يتمتع بأسلوب هندسي متعدد الألوان بين التجريد والتجسيد، مستوحى من فن الشارع الملون على سمة خلية النحل للفنانين. 0.75 ميل ومحطتي مترو من محطة قطار مونبارناس. أقرب محطة مترو: بيرنيتي (الخط 13) وأليزيا (الخط 4). بالقرب من المطاعم، على بُعد 300 متر تقريبًا من موقف سيارات عام مدفوع الرسوم.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس باريس مونتمارتر ساكر كور

    اجمع بين الترفيه والعمل في فندق إيبيس باريس مونمارتر الدائرة 18. يقع في وسط باريس بالقرب من كنيسة Sacré-Coeur وعلى بُعد 219 متر من مولان روج، اكتشف مساحة العمل المشتركة "Wojo" مفتوحة على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع. اعمل في أجواء ودية واستمتع بالخدمات المكيفة: قمرة هاتف وخزانات وطباعة ومطعم الوجبات الخفيفة. يُمكنكم بدء يومكم مع وجبة إفطار طازجة ومتنوعة. في نهاية اليوم، انعم بالاسترخاء واشرب كأس نبيذ في البار!

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس مونمارتر باتينولس (مارس 2023)

    ‏‫تجول في الشوارع الضيقة لحي مونمارتر الشهير واكتشف فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس مونمارتر باتينولس، وهو فندق تم تجديده بالكامل بديكور عصري ومريح. استمتع بمساحاتنا الهادئة والأنيقة، التي تمزج بين المعادن والمواد الطبيعية مع نظام ألوان دافئ. من الردهة إلى الغرف، ينقل الفندق الحيوية والهدوء لمدينة مونمارتر.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس أليزيا مونبارناس

    يتميز فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس اليزيا مونبارناس بتصميم عصري وتصميمات داخلية ملونة، مما يخلق أجواء مبهجة وحيوية للضيوف. تعال واكتشف غرفنا المُصممة على طراز الأحلام والمُصممة للراحة. بالنسبة للعائلات، تتوفر غرف متصلة عند الطلب. أخبار جيدة: الإفطار مشمول في سعر الغرفة بالإضافة إلى غرفة مريحة وأجواء ودية مضمونة من قبل فريقنا!

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ibis Styles باريس بوت شومون

    تشمل كل الأسعار في فندق إيبيس ستيالز ibis Styles باريس بوت شومون الإفطار وخدمة WiFi. يقع الفندق بالقرب من محطتَي القطار الشمالية والشرقية، ويوفر بذلك إمكانية الوصول بسرعة إلى معالم العاصمة الرئيسية، ويبعد عن Zenith ومدينة العلوم والصناعة 10 دقائق سيرًا عل ى الأقدام، وعن مطار فيلبينت Villepinte ورواسي Roissy ‏30 دقيقة بوسائل النقل العام. يشكل الفندق مكانًا مثاليًا لرحلات العمل أو الاستجمام، ويضم 54 غرفة عصرية تشمل غرفًا عائلية.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس بيرسي فيلاج الدائرة 12

    تم تجديد فندق إيبيس باريس بيرسي فيليدج بالكامل، ويحتوي على غرف نوم مكيفة ومريحة مع خدمة WiFi مجانية. للاسترخاء، استمتع بالبار أو المنطقة المشتركة. أطلق العنان لموهبتك مع الجيتار الذي يمكنك استخدامه في أي وقت، أو شارك في دروس الماجستير وأيام الافتتاح التي يتم تنظيمها بانتظام هناك. اكتشف أيضًا خيار الحصول على سلال من الخضروات يتم تسليمها لك من مدينة بوتاغر المعروفة بأنها حديقة خضروات.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس تور إيفل كامبرون الدائرة 15

    يقع فندقنا على بُعد 15 دقيقة فقط سيرًا على الأقدام من برج إيفل ويعد ملاذًا مثاليًا مع 527 غرفة مريحة، يوفر بعضها إطلالات خلابة على برج إيفل. يقدم فندقنا أيضًا خدمات عملية مثل خدمة WIFI مجانية ومكتب استقبال يعمل على مدار 24 ساعة وقاعات اجتماعات مُجهزة تجهيزًا جيدًا لفعاليات عملك وبوفيه إفطار متنوع لبدء يومك.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ibis Styles باريس إيفل كامبرون

    يُبرز فندق إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس إيفل كامبرون، بديكوره العصري الأنيق، أشهر المعالم الباريسية. تتميز الألواح الأمامية المزركشة في غرفنا ببرج إيفل؛ كما تجعلك اللوحات القماشية الموجودة في الردهة وغرفة الإفطار تشعر بالانغماس في قلب المرأة الحديدية. في فندقنا الاستثنائي في باريس، تسود روح العائلة والصداقة على نطاق إنساني. استرخِ في الفناء المفروش، واستمتع بأجواء ممتعة للغاية في الأيام المشمسة.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق باريس ماسينا أولمبياد Massena Olympiades، إيبيس ستايلز ibis

    تشمل جميع الأسعار في الفندق خدمة إفطار وWIFI. يقع الفندق في الدائرة 13 من باريس، بين المكتبة الوطنية الفرنسية وحي الأعمال، على مقربة من الخط 7 من محطة المترو Porte d'Ivry والخط 14 من محطة Olympiades. تتميز الغرف بمساحة واسعة وتحتوي على مكيف هواء، تلفزيون يبث قنوات فضائية، حمام، مجفف شعر، خزنة. يتوفر مكتب الاستقبال على مدار الساعة ويستقبل النزلاء بكل حفاوة.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس أليزيا مونبارناس الدائرة 14

    يرحب بكم فندق إيبيس باريس أليسيا مونبارناس في مكان تم تجديده بالكامل، حيث تحتوي كل غرفة على تكييف وتلفزيون بشاشة مسطحة وخدمة WiFi. تحقق من قائمة طعام البيسترو في مطعمنا "Le Jardin des Plantes"، واسترخ في بارنا "Le 49"، مع خدمة الوجبات الخفيفة على مدار 24 ساعة. لإقامة مناسباتك، استفد من 8 غرف اجتماعات واسترخي في حديقة التراس الخاصة بنا. يمكنك الوصول إلى موقف سيارات خاص مغطى طوال العام.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس ناسيون بورت دي مونتروي

    يوفر إيبيس ستايلز باريس نيشن بورت دي مونتريول (ibis Styles Paris Nation Porte de Montreuil) بيئة مثالية لرحلات العمل والترفيه. وبالقرب من قصر الأمة، يوفر موقع الفندق إمكانية الوصول المباشر إلى المعالم السياحية الرئيسية: برج إيفل، والشانزليزيه، وغاليري لافاييت، ومقبرة بير لاشيز، وديزني لاند. يحتوي الفندق على 60 غرفة تم تجديدها بالكامل ومكيفة، مع وجبة الإفطار مشمولة في جميع الأسعار، وبار يعمل على مدار 24 ساعة، وتقديم الوجبات الخفيفة، وموقف سيارات مدفوع الثمن.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس باريس نيشن دافوت

    اكتشف فندق إيبيس باريس نيشن دافوت: موقع متميز، على بُعد 15 دقيقة فقط بالمترو من محطة غار دو ليون وعلى بُعد 15 دقيقة سيراً على الأقدام من ساحة Place de la Nation. بالقرب من خط المترو رقم 9 حتى تتمكن من الوصول بسرعة إلى مناطق الجذب السياحي الرئيسية مثل شارع الشانزليزيه وبرج إيفل وساحة تروكاديرو و‏‫غاليري لافاييت‬ وملعب بارك دي برينس. يعد خطا الترام T3A وT3B خيارًا مناسبًا لاستكشاف المدينة.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ibis Styles باريس ناسيون كور دي فينسين

    في الدائرة الثانية عشرة بباريس، اكتشف فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس نيشن كور دو فينسين العصري والرفاهية. سواء كنت تقيم بمفردك أو مع العائلة أو الأصدقاء، سنجعل إقامتك لا تُنسى! في الصباح، استمتع ببوفيه الإفطار مع تناول عصير البرتقال الطازج. وفي نهاية اليوم، يُمكنك الاسترخاء في ساحة الفناء الهادئة مع الحديقة الهادئة. حصل فندقنا على شهادة Green Key في عام 2024!

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس كريميه لافيليت

    تشمل كل الأسعار في إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس كريميه لافيليت إفطارًا وخدمة WiFi غير محدودة. يحتوي هذا الفندق العصري على 40 غرفة تخلّد ذكرى روزا باركس ومارتن لوثر كينج، كما يقع بالقرب من متنزه Parc de la Villette وملعب Zenith والمركز الثقافي Centquatre . يمكن الوصول إلى الفندق عبر خط المترو 7 من Crimée مع خطوط مواصلات إلى محطتَي Gare du Nord وSaint-Lazare عبر RER E ومحطة Rosa Parks الجديدة. يمكن بلوغ كاتدرائية القلب الأقدس Sacré Coeur في مونمارتر ومتحف اللوفر بسهولة بواسطة وسائل النقل العام القريبة

    Rated 3,1 of 5
  • GENTILLY, France

    ibis Paris Porte d'Italie

    In the heart of Gentilly, the Ibis Paris Porte d Italie is an ideal destination for family vacations or business trips to Paris. Our friendly team is happy to welcome you to our restaurant by offering you dining a la carte or a delicious buffet. To make your stay all more enjoyable, the hotel offers undercover car park and is located a short walk from the metro and tram to get you to the centre of Paris.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ‏‫فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس باتينيول

    يقع فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس باتينيول الذي تم تجديده بالكامل في قلب باتينيول، على بُعد مرمى حجر من حي مونمارتر ومعالمها الأسطورية: مولان روج والكنيسة وقرية الفنانين. يدعوك الفندق للاسترخاء في أجواء ودية وخضراء تعبر تمامًا عن حيه.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles مونمارتر نور

    يقع فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس مونمارتر نورد على الضفة اليمنى، شمال بوت مونمارتر (خطي المترو 12 و4) وعلى بُعد 15 دقيقة من منطقة أديداس للعروض الترفيهية ويوفر سهولة الوصول إلى محطتي غار دو نورد وغار دو ليست وغار سانت لازار وملعب فرنسا. يعد الفندق مثاليًا للإقامات بغرض العمل أو الترفيه ويحتوي على 45 غرفة تم تجديدها بالكامل مع تكييف هواء لتغمرك في تجربة فريدة من نوعها. أخبار جيدة: الإفطار وخدمة WIFI والترحيب الحار مشمولة في السعر!

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس باريس ميتور افينو دي إيطالي

    عشاق المدينة والعائلات وعشاق الرياضة والمهنيين... هناك شيء يناسب الجميع في فندق ‏‫إيبيس ستايلز باريس ميتور افينو دي إيطالي على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع. يُمكنك الاسترخاء في غرفنا المُجهزة بمكيفات الهواء وأسرّة Sweet Bed. هل تقيم مع عائلتك؟ اطلب غرفة عائلية أو جناحًا يتسع لما يصل إلى 6 أشخاص. استفد من خدمة توفير الطعام داخل فندق ديلي ستايلز. من مساء الاثنين إلى الجمعة، استمتع بمجموعتنا المختارة من الأطباق في قائمة الطعام لدينا.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis أورنانو مونمارتر نور الدائرة 18

    يقع فندق إيبيس باريس أورنانو مونمارتر الذي تم تجديده في الدائرة 18، بالقرب من كنيسة Sacré-Coeur ومنطقة مونمارتر الحيوية. تم تجهيز غرفنا المُريحة للغاية بتكييف هواء وأسرّة مريحة وحمامات أنيقة. سيمنحك إفطارنا الحيوية التي تحتاجها لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من إقامتك. بعد يوم حافل باستكشاف سحر وأسرار باريس، يُمكنك الاسترخاء في بار الفندق.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس بدجت ibis budget باريس بورت دورليان

    مرحبًا بك في فندق إيبيس بدجت ibis Budget باريس بورت دورليان ذو النجمتين الذي تم تجديده بالكامل، في الدائرة 14. استمتع بإقامة ممتعة للغاية في غرف مكيفة الهواء تتسع لغاية 3 أشخاص. سواء أكنت في رحلة عمل أو ترفيه، فإن فريقنا متواجد على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم، لذا ما عليك سوى طرح أسئلتك.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس لافيليت سيت دو سيانس الدائرة 19

    اكتشف فندق إيبيس باريس لافيليت سيت دو سينس، الذي يتمتع بموقع مثالي مقابل بارك دو لوفيلت في الدائرة 19 في باريس. يُرحب بكم في 284 غرفة، منها 18 غرفة تتمتع بإطلالة خلابة على قناة دو لورك، في أجواء عصرية ومريحة. يقع فندقنا بالقرب من طرق النقل الرئيسية، ويوفر وصولاً سهلاً لا مثيل له من المطار ومحطات القطار.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis دومنيل بورت دوري

    يقع فندق إيبيس ibis دومنيل بورت دوري شرق باريس على بعد مرمى حجر فقط من Espace Charenton ومنتزه Bois de Vincennes وعلى بعد كيلومتر من Lac Daumesnil و3 كيلومترات من Parc Floral. للاستجمام، زر حلبة السباق Hippodrome de Vincennes وقصر Château de Vincennes ومت حف Cité Nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration وملعب AccorHotels Arena للأحداث الرياضية والحفلات الموسيقية. ويقع الفندق أيضًا على بعد 20 كيلومترًا من مطار Orly وبالقرب من محطتي القطار Gare de Lyon وGare de Bercy. يتوفر موقف سيارات عمومي مسقوف.

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    greet Hotel Paris 13 Porte d'Italie

    Greet to see you. Welcome to greet Hotel Paris 13 Porte d'Italie. For family or business stays, come and discover our eco-friendly hotel on the edge of Paris' 13th arrondissement. We offer all you need for an exotic, responsible, cultural and comfortable stay in the city of light. In nearby Chinatown, you can enjoy a total change of scenery in the busy streets that are reminiscent of Shanghai. Be Greet.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis budget Paris Porte d'Italie East

    The ibis budget Paris Porte d'Italie Est hotel offers bedrooms with different designs and configurations for 1 to 3 people, with air conditioning and private bathroom facilities. Savor our all-you-can-eat generous buffet breakfast in the restaurant room or on the terrace. Enjoy unlimited free WiFi throughout the hotel. We also provide you with a private, undercover paid car park.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • MONTREUIL, France

    ibis budget Paris Porte de Montreuil

    On business, pleasure or week-end trip, the Ibis Paris Porte de Montreuil budget hotel rooms provide every comfort. Small groups can take advantage of communicating rooms and a copious buffet breakfast in our bright breakfast room. Pay to leave your car in our private indoor car park and step onto the number 9 metro linking Porte de Montreuil to the Grands Boulevards and Trocadero district.

    Rated 3,7 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس IBIS باريس بورت دي مونروي

    من أجل توفير أقصى درجات الراحة لك، تم تجديد غرف الفندق والمناطق المشتركة في فندق إيبيس باريس بورت دي مونتروي بالكامل. تتوفر غرف ثلاثية ومجاورة للعائلات والأصدقاء. اكتشف غرفة الإفطار لدينا والتي تتمتع بإطلالة على أسطح منازل باريس! لاجتماعاتك ومناسباتك المهنية، تتوفر 3 قاعات دراسية مضاءة جيدًا ومُجهزة بالكامل.

    Rated 3,5 of 5
  • MONTROUGE, France

    ibis Styles Paris Porte d'Orleans

    The ibis Styles Paris Porte d Orleans hotel offers colorful, spacious and soundproofed bedrooms. Free WIFI and a buffet breakfast are included in the room price. It also has a friendly bar, two meeting rooms bathed in natural daylight, an indoor garden with terrace and a secure private car park.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis budget Paris Porte de Bercy

    The ibis budget Paris Porte de Bercy is a few metres from the Bercy 2 shopping mall. Discover the comfort of our renovated bedrooms designed to accommodate up to 3 people. Enjoy a quality, economical business or leisure stay at the gates of Paris, along with our generous buffet breakfast, vending machine and free WiFi. For even more comfort and freedom, the hotel offers a private undercover car park.

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis Paris Porte de Bercy

    The ibis Paris Porte de Bercy boasts classic, comfortable rooms with A/C. Check out our breakfast buffet's generous and varied selection as soon as you wake up. Enjoy it-it's all you can eat! For your work trips, the hotel has several fully equipped seminar rooms that can host up to 110 people. There's nothing like a good meal to unwind! Our restaurant chef has also put together a tasty, traditional menu.

    Rated 3,7 of 5

    ibis budget Paris Porte d'Italie West

    The ibis budget Paris Porte d'Italie Ouest hotel is located at the gateway to the capital and offers pleasant, comfortable rooms designed for 1, 2 or 3 people, and functional bathrooms. Perfect for business or leisure, and at a budget rate! For motorists, a private covered car park is available. You can also take advantage of the all-you-can-eat breakfast to get your day off to a great start, and get your favorite meals from our dispenser.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • MONTROUGE, France

    ibis Paris Porte d'Orléans

    Located in Montrouge, the ibis Paris Porte d'Orléans welcomes you in a lovely setting near the capital. After a day at an international trade show or a day of sightseeing, rest in one of our warmly colored rooms. Enjoy breakfast on the terrace, or sip on a drink at the friendly bar, without leaving the comfort of your ibis hotel in the Paris metropolitan area. We are also available to organize concerts.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس برانسيون بارك ديز اكسبوزيسيون الدائرة 15

    يُرحب بكم الفندق على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع في موقع استراتيجي، حيثُ يقع في الدائرة 15، بالقرب من مركز مؤتمرات باريس Paris Convention Center ومركز المعارض ومسرح باريس دوم Paris Dome (المركز الرياضي سابقًا) في بورت دي فيرساوي Porte de Versailles، وكذلك بالقرب من مناطق الجذب الرئيسية الباريسية مثل برج إيفل Eiffel Tower والشانزيليزيه Champs Elysées أو مونمارتر Montmartre ومتحفي اللوفر Louvre وأورسيه Orsay. العاصمة قريبة للغاية هنا من أجلك، سواء كان سيرًا على الأقدام أو بواسطة الترام أو مترو الأنفاق!

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس ibis باريس 17 كليشي باتينيول

    ستحب موقع الفندق للإقامة سواء بغاية العمل والاستجمام والعائلة. يحتوي الفندق من فئة 3 نجوم على 5 أنواع مختلفة من الغرف، وجميعها مكيفة، بالإضافة إلى خدمة WIFI مجانية ومرافق تقديم الطعام. لدينا 19 غرفة مضاءة بشكل طبيعي لعقد الاجتماعات. بالنسبة للقادمين بالسيارة، لدينا موقف سيارات مقابل رسوم. مكتب الاستقبال مفتوح على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم.

    Rated 3,6 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس بدجت ibis budget باريس بورت دو فنسان

    تم تجديد فندقنا في عام 2019 بواجهة مليئة بأوراق الشجر، ويضم غرفًا مريحة وعملية. يمكن أن يتسع تصميمها الفريد والحديث، والمكتمل بحوض غسيل، لما يصل إلى 3 أشخاص بسهولة. من أجل متعتك، يوجد فناء داخلي، وتراس جميل محاط بالأشجار حيث يمكنك الاسترخاء أو التنزه في الأيام المشمسة، بالإضافة إلى طاولة كرة القدم في اللوبي.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس ibis باريس فوجيرار بورت دو فيرساي

    يقع فندق إيبيس ibis باريس فوجيرار بورت دو فيرساي بالقرب من محطة المترو كونفينشن Convention على بعد 5 دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام عن مركز المعارض في منطقة جميلة ونابضة بالحياة، ويشكّل بالتالي المكان المثالي سواء كنت في رحلة عمل أو عطلة. يمكنك استخدام خط المترو 12 أو الباص رقم 80 لبدء رحلتك الاستكشافية في مدينة النور: برج إيفل ودار الأوبرا والمتاحف. يتميّز الفندق بموقعه في شارع صغير وهادئ وقريب من موقف سيارات عام، وهو يضم 48 غرفة مكيّفة وتراسًا جميلاً يزيّنه خط من الأشجار وفريق عمل متوفر لخدمتك على مدار الساعة!

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • BAGNOLET, France

    ibis Paris Porte de Bagnolet

    ibis Paris Porte de Bagnolet in east Paris is ideal for business and leisure. All rooms are air-conditioned and have WiFi. Our bar has a lounge area and the "ibis kitchen" serves simple, delicious cuisine. Our market-style breakfast is an all-you-can-eat continental buffet with warm and chilled options, available from 6.30 am in our breakfast room on the 1st floor.

  • BAGNOLET, France

    ibis budget Paris Porte de Bagnolet

    ibis budget Paris Porte de Bagnolet in the east of Paris offers spacious rooms, including triple rooms, with en suite bathrooms, AC and free WiFi. A dining offer is available at ibis Bagnolet on the ground floor of the building. Breakfast in the form of an all-you-can-eat continental buffet is served from 6.30am.

  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس 15 لوكورب

    يقع فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس 15 ليكورب في الدائرة الخامسة عشرة، ويوفر إقامة مريحة وعملية للمسافرين سواء بغرض العمل أو الاستجمام. أجواء دافئة وترحيبية مثالية للاسترخاء بعد يوم من مشاهدة المعالم السياحية أو الاجتماعات. ستشعر وكأنك في بيتك في غرفنا المُصممة تصميمًا جيدًا، والتي يتسع بعضها لما يصل إلى أربعة أشخاص. امتلأ بالطاقة مع عصير البرتقال الطازج المعروض في بوفيه الإفطار لدينا!

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    مرحبًا بكم في فندق غريت باريس بورت دو لا شابيل - أرينا

    اكتشف أول فندق غريت في باريس! يقع هذا الفندق ذو فئة نجمتين الذي تم تجديده بالقرب من مونمارتر و‏‫ملعب فرنسا‬ ومركز المعارض وهو محلي وصديق للبيئة. تعد غرفنا المزدوجة والعائلية مثالية لرحلات العمل أو الترفيه، وهي دافئة وأنيقة. سهولة الوصول إلى محطة غار دو نورد ومطار شارل ديغول. بالقرب من بورت دو لا شابيل، وإمكانية الوصول السريع إلى الطريق الدائري والطريق السريع A1. استمتع بتجربة فريدة من نوعها في فندق غريت باريس بورت دو لا شابيل - أرينا!

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس بدجت باريس بورت دو لا شابيل - أرينا

    بعد عام ونصف من التجديدات الكاملة، يعيد ‏‫فندق إيبيس بدجت باريس بورت دو لا شابيل - أرينا‬ فتح أبوابه! يقع هذا الفندق الجميل ذو الأسعار المعقولة في الدائرة 18 بالقرب من مونمارتر وملعب فرنسا ومركز المعارض في Villepinte. ملائم لرحلات العمل ومثالي لإقامات بغاية الاستجمام أيضًا. غرفنا المزدوجة / الثلاثية / العائلية عملية وأنيقة.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    إيبيس بدجت ibis budget باريس بورت مونمارتر

    يقع فندق إيبيس بدجت ibis budget باريس بورت مونمارتر في شمال باريس، ويبعد حوالى 4 كيلومترات عن ملعب ستاد دو فرانس Stade de France ومسافة 10 دقائق عن ساكري كور Sacré-Coeur ومنطقة مونمارتر Montmartre. يقع بالقرب من سوق السلع المستعملة في St-Ouen ويسهل الوصول منه إلى كل المعالم السياحية في باريس. يؤمّن لك الفندق غرفةً عصريةً وإفطارًا غير محدودًا مقابل سعر مقبول، بالإضافة إلى مكتب الاستقبال مفتوح 24 ساعةً في اليوم وخدمة WiFi مجانية وموقف سيارات مسقوف مدفوع.

    Rated 3,4 of 5
  • VANVES, France

    ibis budget Paris Porte de Vanves

    At the gates of the capital, the ibis budget Paris Porte de Vanves is accessible by metro and tram. A cozy lounge with fireplace and reading area awaits you. Its rooms offer every comfort for two or three people. Enjoy a buffet breakfast before walking to Parc des Expositions at Porte de Versailles. Want to recover with a TV dinner? Order your meal at the reception kiosk and have it delivered.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • CLICHY, France

    ibis Paris Porte de Clichy Centre

    Near the Batignolles district and opposite the new Tribunal de Paris courthouse, the ibis Paris Porte de Clichy Centre is perfect for business, leisure or family stays. Our 124 rooms have Sweet Bed by ibis® bedding and some offer a superb view of the Sacré Coeur. Direct metro access to many of Paris' sights: Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Arc de Triomphe. For a match/concert, Stade de France is 20 min away.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • VANVES, France

    ibis Paris Porte de Vanves Parc des Expositions

    The ibis Paris-Vanves Parc des Expositions hotel has 71 quiet, renovated rooms with AC. There is free WiFi and a 24/7 bar, as well as private underground parking. Ideal for business and family stays, the hotel is close to the Porte de Versailles exhibition center, Palais des Sports and South Paris Arena. Guests can reach downtown Paris, Montparnasse station and the Eiffel Tower in a few minutes by metro.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • PANTIN, France

    ibis budget Paris Porte de Pantin

    Ibis budget Paris Porte de Pantin is near Canal de l'Ourcq, Parc de la Villette, Zénith Paris and is an ideal budget-friendly place for travelers to stay. Discover our comfy rooms and enjoy a buffet breakfast, snack vending machines, drinks at reception and a terminal offering you a choice of restaurants without leaving the hotel. We offer free WIFI and a paid undercover private car park.

    Rated 4,0 of 5

    ibis Paris Levallois Perret

    Located in the heart of Levallois, just a stone throw from the Louise Michel metro station, the ibis Levallois Perret hotel is perfectly located for getting to St Lazare, Porte Maillot, La Défense and the Espace Champerret. The ibis Levallois Perret hot el has 53 completely renovated rooms, equipped with the new Sweet Bed by ibis bedding, air-conditioning and free WIFI. The hotel also has a bar with a terrace and a 24-hour snack service. Paying public car park close to the hotel.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • CLICHY, France

    Ibis budget Paris Clichy Mairie

    Close to central Paris, the ibis budget Paris Clichy Mairie welcomes you. A guaranteed great choice with 24-hour support. Our colorful rooms with an urban design can sleep 2, 3 or 4. Hairdryers and iron available at reception. A top-class setting-from the buffet breakfast room to the patio where we have pizzas cooked on site. Our impeccable business service includes a Wojo co-working space + meeting room.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • PANTIN, France

    ibis Paris Pantin Eglise

    The ibis Paris Pantin Église hotel is located in downtown Pantin, right next to Église de Pantin metro station (Line 5). Ideal for stays close to Paris, the hotel has spacious (248 sq. ft.) rooms with AC and free WiFi. Some rooms can sleep up to 4 people, and there are 3 rooms adapted for people with reduced mobility. Feeling peckish? The hotel bar is available 24 hours a day to satisfy small cravings.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • CLICHY, France

    ibis Styles Paris Mairie De Clichy

    Breakfast and unlimited WIFI included in all rates at the ibis Styles Paris Mairie de Clichy. This hotel is ideal for cultural and business trips alike. Located 55 yards (50 m) from the Mairie de Clichy stop on metro line 13, which will get you to the cen ter of Paris in 10 minutes. The hotel is within easy reach of all the business districts in northwest Paris. With an array of restaurants and stores close to the hotel, make the most of everything Paris has to offer, with peace and quiet too.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • CLICHY, France

    Ibis Clichy Centre Mairie

    Renovated in 2017, in a cozy and design spirit, our 53-room boutique hotel provides you with all the equipment and services to make your tourist or business stays enjoyable. Relaxing, working with ease thanks to free WIFI, this is how we design our idea of hospitality and accommodation. We will listen to you for any requests to make your stay even more enjoyable.

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis budget Paris Aubervilliers

    Our team at the ibis Budget Paris Porte d'Aubervilliers welcomes you to its new stylish setting. Our entire team will be delighted to welcome you with generosity and simplicity. The ibis Budget Paris Porte d'Aubervilliers hotel has been fully renovated and is open 24 hours. It is located 10 minutes from the RER B and a minute's walk from Aimé Césaire Metro stop (Line 12) for your trips to downtown Paris

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Saint Denis Plaine

    The ibis Styles Paris Saint-Denis La Plaine unveils its new trailer. My team and I will be happy to welcome you to one of our 62 rooms, which were refurbished with a cinema-inspired theme. You will notice this central theme throughout your stay, where Marilyn, Clint and Audrey keep you company while you sleep.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • MONTREUIL, France

    ibis Styles Paris Mairie de Montreuil

    Our hotel with decor inspired by the cinematographic talent of Georges Méliès, welcomes you in modern, warm and air-conditioned rooms, featuring comfortable bedding and a fully equipped bathroom. Enjoy a quiet moment over breakfast in the green zen garden of our inner courtyard and discover our bar and our dining options available 24 hours a day. Private paying outdoor parking.

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Porte de Versailles - Mairie d'Issy

    Immerse yourself in a unique experience at the ibis Styles Paris Porte de Versailles Mairie d Issy. Here, we move to the beat of Paris city life. From the rooms to the lobby to the bar, everything is designed around the world of sound. Enjoy the cozy bar at any time of day, whether you are working alone or getting together with the crew. Enjoy breakfast included on the veranda.

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Romainville

    Shopping, food and art lovers, here is your new address. Welcome to ibis Styles Paris Romainville, just 300m from the metro. Ideal starting point to discover the east of Paris, close to Paris North activity hubs. 3-star hotel in lifestyle design inspired by the banks of the Ourcq canal. Stroll through shops, restaurants, or contemporary art center of the new PADDOCK Paris outlet village near the hotel.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis Paris Saint-Denis Stade Sud

    Our spacious, renovated and air-conditioned rooms are suitable for a business or leisure trip or a family weekend. Enjoy breakfast every morning for a great start to the day and relax at the hotel bar, open from 10am to midnight. Traveling by car? A private and closed car park is available for a supplement.

    Rated 4,3 of 5

    ibis Styles Asnieres Centre

    Just 5 minutes from Asnières train station, the Ibis Styles Asnières Centre Hotel is ideal for reaching the capital's major points of interest and exploring the sights of the City of Lights. The Ibis Styles Asnières Centre offers 60 functional and comfortable rooms, equipped with high-speed Wi-Fi and televisions. There is also a bar and a terrace. Breakfast and unlimited Wi-Fi are included in all prices.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • CLAMART, France

    ibis Styles Clamart Gare Grand Paris

    Breakfast and unlimited WiFi incl. in all rates at the ibis Styles Clamart Gare Grand Paris. With 47 modern bedrooms with aircon, friendly space and unlimited hot drinks, your business trip or family holiday will be a unique experience. Next to Clamart train station and 7 mins from the Montparnasse train station and Paris. 24/7 amenities. Relax in the hotel bar with its wide selection of food and drinks.

    Rated 4,7 of 5
  • BOBIGNY, France

    ibis budget Bobigny Pantin

    The ibis budget Bobigny Pantin hotel, fully renovated in 2017, is ideally located just 10 minutes from metro line 5 and is served by 3 buses (151, 234, 134). The hotel offers quick access to the heart of Paris, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (30 minutes) and Le Bourget Museum of Air and Space (20 minutes). Our hotel is ideal for business or leisure stays. Open 24 hours a day, the hotel offers spacious, soundproofed rooms with free WIFI access and a secure, enclosed car park.

    Rated 3,0 of 5
  • باريس, فرنسا

    ‏‫إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس 16 بولوني

    يتميّز فندق إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس 16 بولون بموقع مثالي في وسط مدينة بولون Boulogne بالقرب من محطة المترو بورت دو سان كلو Porte de Saint-Cloud وشارعَي الأعمال إيسي ليه مولينو Issy-les-Moulineaux وباريس 16 Paris 16. إضافة إلى ذلك، فهو يقع بالقرب من ملعب رولان غاروس Rolland Garros وبرج إيفل والشانزيليزيه Champs Elysées، ما يجعله مثاليًا لمواعيدك في باريس. تم تشييد الفندق بكامله عام 2017 بأسلوب أنيق ومريح، وتضمين ردهته مساحة مشتركة للعمل ‎16 & Co مصممة خصيصًا لك.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis budget Gennevilliers Asnières

    Due to the health situation, your bedroom is cleaned and disinfected before your arrival. During your stay housekeeping will not access your bedroom. If you stay more than two nights a change of room is offered, subject to availability, In compliance with sanitary rules, bedrooms must be vacated no later than 10 am to afford sufficient ventilation between guests, for everyone's safety

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis budget Issy Les Moulineaux Paris Ouest

    Ibis budget Issy les Moulineaux has renovated rooms, free WIFI, a Web Corner, undercover private car park (paying). Paris-Porte de Versailles Exhibition Park is 10 mins by tram T2. The RER C line is 2 mins away and reaches the Eiffel Tower in 10 mins. Metro Line 12 Mairie d'Issy is 14 mins on foot. Various restaurants less than 50 m from the hotel.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • VILLEJUIF, فرنسا

    ibis Styles Paris Villejuif

    مرحبًا بكم في ‏‫فندق إيبيس ستايلز باريس فيلجويف، الذي يقع على بُعد 160 ياردة من خط المترو رقم 7 والترام T7: محطة الترام فيلجويف لويس أراغون. تقع باريس على بُعد أقل من 20 دقيقة بالمترو. تصميم الفندق الممتع والمتنوع مستوحى من "أطفال البوب" ويتميز بإشارات إلى الموسيقى والسينما والأزياء الفرنسية من السبعينيات إلى التسعينيات! وصول سريع إلى مطار باريس أورلي وسوق رونجيس ومستشفى فيلجويف بيو بارك وحرم جراند بارك وغوستاف روسي.

  • سان دوني, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis سان دوني ستاد ويست

    على بُعد خطوات قليلة فقط من ستاد دو فرانس Stade de France، يقع بالقرب من ملوك بازيليك فرنسا France Basilica واستديوهات الأفلام ومتنزهات معرض Le Bourget ومطار Roissy CDG وفي قلب مركز أعمال La Plaine Saint Denis، انضم إلينا واستمتع بمستلزمات Sweet Bed الجديدة من إيبيس ibis الفراش في إحدى غرفنا المخصصة لغير المدخنين التي توفر خدمة WiFi ومكيف هواء. استمتع باستراحة ممتعة في البار أو في مطعم Courtepaille Comptoir. لتناول وجبة خفيفة، استفد من خدمة الوجبات الخفيفة على مدار الساعة التي نقدمها.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • كوربوفوا, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis باريس لاديفانس كوربوفوا

    يقع فندق إيبيس باريس لاديفانس كوربفوا على مشارف باريس ونويي-سور-سين ولاديفانس. يُمكن الوصول بسهولة إلى المواقع الشهيرة في باريس مثل متحف اللوفر وبرج إيفل ونوتردام و‏‫ملعب فرنسا‬ وملعب بارك دي برينس. الفندق مثالي لرحلات العمل مع منطقة العمل المشتركة Wojo أو للرحلات الترفيهية. 129 غرفة مكيفة، بعضها يطل على نهر السين وبرج إيفل وبار مفتوح على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع ومواقف خاصة للسيارات.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • كوربوفوا, فرنسا

    إيبيس بدجت ibis budget كوربوفوا باريس لاديفانس 1

    يقع فندق إيبيس بدجت ibis budget كوربوفوا باريس لاديفانس على مرمى حجر من منطقة الأعمال لاديفانس La Défense. على تبحث عن المكان المثالي للإقامة مباشرةً على مقربة من لاديفانس La Défense في رحلة عملك؟ أو هل تريد الاستمتاع بوقتك وأنت في باريس بفضل أسعارنا المُنخفضة؟ إذا كنت تريد ذلك، فلقد وجدت الفندق المناسب! نوفّر خيار الإقامة والإفطار الملائم بأفضل سعر، على مسافة قريبة من معالم المدينة، ونقدّم أيضًا خدمات مخصّصة لرحلات عملك. نشير أيضًا إلى أنّ موقف السيارات مفتوح للمركبات الكبيرة والصغيرة.

    Rated 3,7 of 5

    ibis Paris Issy Les Moulineaux Val de Seine

    The ibis Issy-les-Moulineaux hotel is located near the Seine Musicale, Ile de St Germain and Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. It has 164 comfortable, air-conditioned rooms with free WIFI, a restaurant open for lunch and dinner, 4 seminar rooms and a private car park. You can also start your day with our rich, fresh, gourmet and diverse buffet breakfast!

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • سان دوني, فرنسا

    إيبيس ستايلز باريس سان دوني بلاييل

    مرحبًا بك في فندق ‏‫إيبيس ستايلز باريس سان دوني بلاييل، الفندق الساحر الذي يتمتع بموقع مثالي في حي أعمال سانت-أوين-بلاييل، وهو حي باريسي قريب من ملعب فرنسا والقرية الأولمبية. سواء كنت في رحلة عمل أو ملاذ سياحي أو ببساطة تمر عبر المنطقة، فإننا نقدم لك ترحيبًا حارًا للاستمتاع بإقامة مريحة وممتعة.

  • باريس لا ديفانس, فرنسا

    فندق إيبيس باريس لا ديفانس إسبلاناد

    يقع فندق إيبيس ibis باريس لاديفانس سنتر في قلب منطقة الأعمال لا ديفانس La Défense ويتميز بموقع مثالي بين القوس الكبير Grande Arche وقوس النصر Arc de Triomphe. يضم الفندق مطعمًا وبارًا و286 غرفةً مكيفةً مع اتصال WiFi مجانًا. ويوفر الخط 1 لمحطة المترو القري بة إسبلاناد دو لاديفانس Esplanade de la Défense إمكانية وصول سهلة بغضون 10 دقائق إلى مركز المؤتمرات بورت مايو Porte Maillot والشانزيليزيه Champs Elysées وإلى المجمّع التجاري 4‎ Temps.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • CHATILLON, France

    ibis budget Chatillon Paris Ouest

    The ibis budget Châtillon Paris Ouest hotel is all you need at a smart price at the gates of the capital. Reception open 24/7, an attentive team and a bedroom with bathroom facilities, for a great stay. As a group or family, you can choose communicating rooms. If you're peckish, the vending machines offer hot or cold drinks and a treat. Or have a meal delivered to you via the hotel's ordering point.

    Rated 4,1 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Boulogne Marcel Sembat

    Breakfast - Unlimited Wi-Fi included. Located 10m from the Marcel Sembat subway, the Design hotel is located downtown, 15 minutes from the Eiffel Tower and 20 minutes from the Champs Elysees. Public parking lot - 250m. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, everything is nearby: Roland Garros, the Parc des Princes, the Seine Musicale, the green lung of Seguin Island, a growing district.

    Rated 4,2 of 5

    greet Hotel Boulogne Billancourt Paris

    Rest up, revive, take a step back, transform and above all enjoy. Greet hotel Boulogne-Billancourt Paris is more than a hotel; Greet is a community welcoming everyone looking for meaning in their purchase choices. Our hotel is completely renovated, eco-responsible and locally engaged. Enjoy our air-conditioned bedrooms or just a cocktail at the bar after a long day. Come meet us, work, rest or share time.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • MEUDON, France

    ibis budget Meudon Paris Ouest

    ibis budget Meudon Paris Ouest is a convenient, low-cost hotel on the outskirts of Paris. Business stay or city-break, choose the right plan at a smart price with a welcoming, motivated team available 24/7. Everything you need for success: clever design, relaxing atmosphere, cozy bed and private bathroom facilities. Head to reception for drinks and snacks dispensers accessible 24/7.

    Rated 4,1 of 5

    ibis Paris Boulogne Billancourt

    The ibis Boulogne Billancourt hotel is located on a quiet, pleasant street in Boulogne Billancourt.The ibis Boulogne Billancourt hotel is just 55 yards , 50 m from the Billancourt metro station line 9, offering direct access to various Parisian tourist sites. The ibis Boulogne Billancourt hotel offers 52 air-conditioned rooms with free WIFI and a 24-hour snack service. 6 paying parking spaces are available near the hotel reserve by phone or email..

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis budget Vitry sur Seine N7

    The IBIS Budget, the former Etap Hotel, of Vitry N7 is 5 minutes from Orly Airport & the Porte d'Italie, south of Paris. It's ideal for visiting the Eiffel Tower or Notre-Dame! Choose a modern and pleasant room, with a shower, toilet and satellite TV, for a very economical price. Three types of rooms (with 2 single beds, 1 double bed or 1 double bed & bunk bed) are available. WiFi access available in all our rooms located near Metro Hotel Louis Aragon (7 Line)

    Rated 3,4 of 5
  • BOURG-LA-REINE, France

    ibis Styles Bourg-la-Reine

    Whether you're traveling for work or pleasure, you can relax in the stylish and cheery comfort of our hotel in downtown Bourg-la-Reine. All our rooms are air-conditioned and soundproofed, complete with contemporary decor that provides a soothing and restful stay. You'll be very close to the Château and the Parc de Sceaux, where you can take a stroll or run along the paths of the huge gardens to unwind.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis Paris Gennevilliers

    The ibis Paris Gennevilliers hotel is ideally located on the outskirts of Paris, and has 60 rooms, a 24-hour bar, a restaurant and 2 meeting rooms. It is 328 yds (300 m) from Les Agnettes metro station on line 13 to the Champs Elysées, Montmartre and Opér a. It is also close to the Stade de France, the Paris Air Show, the Palais Des Congrès center and La Défense business district, making it a great place to stay for business and pleasure. Our 3-star hotel is close to all shops and opposite a shopping mall.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • كوربوفوا, فرنسا

    يبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس لا ديفانس كوربوفوا، يفتتح في أبريل

    فندق إيبيس ستايلز ibis Styles باريس لا ديفانس كوربوفوا هو فندق ذو تصميم مريح وترحيبي يشبه استديوهات الفنانين من حيث التصميم، ويضفي لمسة استثنائية على إقامتك بغاية عملك في لاديفانس. جميع الغرف مكيفة الهواء. لقد تم إيلاء عناية خاصة بتصميمه الداخلي، مما يجعله ممتعًا بصريًا وباعثًا على الاسترخاء!

    Rated 4,6 of 5

    ibis budget Orly Chevilly Tram 7

    The ibis budget Orly Chevilly Tram 7 offers spacious rooms for up to 3 people. The hotel has a 24-hour reception and private parking accessible to all common vehicle types at Ibis Orly Chevilly Tram 7. Discover a friendly and unfussy hotel, ideal for business meetings or a family stopover. Our outdoor terrace is a great break from the buzz of the capital.

    Rated 3,6 of 5

    ibis Orly Chevilly Tram 7

    The ibis Orly Chevilly Tram 7 hotel in Chevilly-Larue is close to public transport and has a 24-hr reception, along with private secure parking shared with the ibis budget Chevilly Tram 7. Our hotel is ideal for business trips, leisure stays and weekends. The bar has a terrace where you can have breakfast or drinks, plus you can use the petanque court and the table tennis.

    Rated 3,6 of 5
  • Saint Maurice, France

    ibis budget Saint Maurice

    The ibis budget Saint Maurice hotel is located close to the Parc Floral in Paris and the Bois de Vincennes. It is 5 mi from the AccorHotels Arena and 21.8 mi from Disneyland Paris. It is just minutes from the Joinville-le-Pont train station and RER A line, which will take you to the heart of Paris passing through Nation, Gare de Lyon, Châtelet Les Halles and La Défense. The rooms are designed to accommodate up to 3 people, with A/C and WIFI in all of the rooms. Unlimited buffet breakfast at a great price!

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • null, null

    Ibis Styles Paris Gennevilliers

    Hotel Paris Gennevilliers in the new business district is ideal for your professional or leisure trips. At the gates of Paris, 2 min. from the RER C and TRAM 10 min. from the Centre of Paris, less than 10 km from the Sacre Coeur & Arc de Triomphe. Near th e Leclerc Shopping Centre, Stade de France, Bourget Lounge, and La Défense. The hotel has 86 spacious AC rooms, covered parking and free Wi-Fi.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • SURESNES, France

    ibis Paris Pont de Suresnes

    On the outskirts of Paris, on tramway line T2 which runs from La Défense to Issy-les-Moulineaux and to the Porte de Versailles, the ibis Paris Pont de Suresnes is located close to the banks of the Seine and the Longchamp racecourse. You can quickly get to La Défense, the CNIT convention center and the Porte Maillot convention center (direct by bus 244). The Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Elysées and the Roland Garros stadium are also easy to reach. The hotel has 62 renovated air-conditioned rooms. Free WIFI.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • BOBIGNY, France

    ibis Styles Bobigny Centre Préfecture

    Welcome to ibis Styles Bobigny Centre Préfecture, 656 yds from metro line 5 (Bobigny-Pablo Picasso) to Paris. Perfect for a stay near the vibrant, cultural districts of east Paris, incl. the Zénith, Cité des Sciences de la Villette as well as the quaint charm of Canal Saint Martin and Canal de l'Ourcq which can be reached in 25 minutes by metro. Breakfast, WIFI and a smile are also incl. in the rate!

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • LA COURNEUVE, France

    ibis Le Bourget

    3* hotel located in the northern Paris area between La Courneuve and Le Bourget, a mile from the Air & Space Museum. The Parc des Expositions du Bourget is close by (5 minutes), as is Paris Charles-De-Gaulle Airport (15 minutes). ¤ The hotel has 72 air-conditioned rooms with fiber WIFI, including 4 PRM rooms, plus restaurant, terrace, bar, 24-hour snacks and free private parking.

    Rated 3,6 of 5
  • PUTEAUX, France

    ibis Styles Puteaux Paris La Defense

    The ibis Styles Puteaux Paris la Defense offers standard and superior rooms with a modern design for work and leisure guests and families of up to 4. Close to La Defense business district, Paris and its sights. Discover our sustainable eco-district with local stores and green spaces. Nature lovers will appreciate our hotels green setting. Concert-goers or rugby fans are 15 mins from La Defense Arena.

    Rated 4,6 of 5

    greet Hotel Villeneuve La Garenne

    The greet Villeneuve-La-Garenne hotel is your very own city haven, where the essentials are what count. First, get a warm welcome with us, then enjoy a drink in the bar before relaxing in one of our 59 newly refurbished rooms. We'll make sure you get a good night's sleep. Our hotel is eco-friendly and works with the local community. Welcome!

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • SCEAUX, France

    Ibis styles Sceaux Paris South

    Discover the ibis Styles Sceaux Paris Sud, a design hotel with a chic Parisian theme. A colorful and cozy atmosphere to forget the tumult of the city and immerse yourself in the Parc du Domaine de Sceaux. Our modern, air-conditioned bedrooms are designed for your comfort: large soft pillows, ultra soft duvets, new bedding. Enjoy a healthy breakfast included (kiwi chia bowls) and gorgeous view of the Park.

    Rated 4,2 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Val de Fontenay

    Our unusual hotel in Fontenay-sous-Bois welcomes you in a contemporary styled decor. From the reception to the air-conditioned rooms, the pop colors and stylish furniture liven up your stay. Breakfast and unlimited WIFI are included in all reservations at ibis Styles Paris Val de Fontenay. Adjoining the hotel, Resto Novo warmly welcomes you every day of the week.

    Rated 3,0 of 5

    ibis budget Paris Gennevilliers

    Our hotel, located in the heart of the Gennevilliers business area, at the door of the Parc des Chanteraines and 5 minutes by car from the Qwartz shopping center, opened in April 2018. It has a secure paid car park and allows direct access in less than 20 minutes to the center of Paris and to the entire western half of the Ile de France (Stade de France, Roissy airport, La Défense).

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis Nogent sur Marne

    The ibis Nogent sur Marne hotel is near Nogent Marina, the Bois de Vincennes and its famous Zoo. The Floral Park and Baltard Pavilion are 10 mins from the hotel. Take the A4 to Disneyland and the capital, or RER E to the Department Stores, Gare du Nord and Paris. Our hotel has 74 fully-renovated bedrooms with aircon, a Restaurant-Bar Lounge with terrace and private undercover paid car park.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • نانتير, فرنسا

    إيبيس ibis نانتير لاديفانس

    يحتوي فندق إيبيس باريس نانتير لا ديفانس‬ على غرف مريحة تم تجديدها مؤخرًا. يُمكن للضيوف الاستمتاع ببوفيه الإفطار السخي والمتنوع. يُعد الفندق أيضا مكانًا رائعًا لرحلات العمل، حيث يضم العديد من قاعات الندوات المُجهزة بالكامل والتي تتسع لما يصل إلى 65 شخصًا. ويُوفر بار Charlie's Corner أجواء مبهجة مع المأكولات الرائعة المُعدة في الموقع ومجموعة مختارة من البيرة الأوروبية لاكتشافها.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • FRESNES, France

    ibis Budget Fresnes

    The ibis Budget Fresnes has 84 newly renovated rooms, equipped with modern and designer furnishings for every comfort. Each room includes a private bathroom and a free WiFi connection. The reception is open 24 hours. The ibis Budget Fresnes provides towels and shower gel. Also provided: two free parking spaces, one outside and another in the basement level of the hotel.

    Rated 4,0 of 5

    ibis budget Villemomble

    At the gateway to Paris and Marne la Vallée, the ibis budget de Villemomble is located 15 min from Paris and 30 min from Disneyland. The hotel is accessible via the A1 and A86 highways which offer access to CDG airport, Stade de France and the Villepinte exhibition center. You can also visit the Parc Floral and Paris Zoological Park. We also offer free parking, WIFI, unlimited buffet breakfast and round-the-clock reception.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • RUNGIS, France

    ibis budget Orly Rungis

    Airport shuttle available from 5am to 11pm (free for the airport >>> hotel journey // EUR 5 per person for the hotel >>> airport journey)

    Rated 3,6 of 5
  • CRETEIL, France

    ibis Créteil

    The ibis Paris Créteil hotel is on the Pompadour interchange, 10 minutes from Paris and Orly. It's 500 yards from Lake Créteil and the leisure center, with easy access via the A86, RER line D and metro line 8. It's ideal for seeing Paris, taking a flight or having a ball at Disneyland Paris. The air-conditioned hotel has 84 rooms, 24-hour snack bar, outdoor parking and free WIFI, with restaurants nearby.

    Rated 4,3 of 5

    ibis Epinay sur seine Gennevilliers

    The ibis Epinay-sur-Seine hotel is located 328 yards (300 m) from an RER line C station in northwestern Paris just 5 minutes from Parc des Barbanniers, the Chanteraines business zone and the port of Gennevilliers. It is near the Enghien Casino and the Sta de de France, which is served by the T8 tram. The hotel boasts 87 air-conditioned and non-smoking rooms, including 2 for people with reduced mobility. It offers a meeting room, brasserie, free underground and outdoor parking, bar and free WIFI.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • CLAMART, France

    ibis Clamart Paris Vélizy

    Whether it is a business trip or discovering Paris and its surroundings, the Ibis Clamart Paris Velizy is the perfect stopover. Located in the heart of the Noveos Business Park and by the Meudon Forest, our property is perfectly situated. Guests can enjoy comfortable rooms and high-end bedding. Our bar, Charlies Corner, has a wide selection of beers and an immersive atmosphere that is warm and lively.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • نانتير, فرنسا

    إيبيس بدجت ibis budget نانتير لاديفانس

    يعد فندق إيبيس بدجت نانتير لا ديفانس فندق منخفض التكلفة يقع في غرب باريس ومثالي لرحلات العمل أو الحفلات الموسيقية في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. الموظفون على استعداد دائم لمساعدتك، لذا تفضلوا بالحضور واستمتعوا بليلة سعيدة في غرف مجدّدة عالية الجودة ومكيّفة ومناسبة للعائلات. ثم استمتع ببداية صباحية مثالية مع بوفيه إفطارنا العضوي الرائع.

    Rated 3,6 of 5

    ibis Paris Meudon Vélizy

    The ibis Paris Meudon Vélizy hotel is in a leafy setting by the Meudon forest and near the Vélizy Meudon business complex. We have 94 air-conditioned rooms inc 4 communicating, a bar with catering and a meeting room, plus high-speed WIFI, covered car park with charging points, and a fully equipped fitness room. Our lush and quiet location is ideal for relaxing after a day's work or sightseeing!

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis Styles Chatenay Malabry Paris Sud

    The ibis Styles de Chatenay-Malabry hotel offers a rustic break right in the city, bordering parkland and shops and close to the Parc de la Vallee aux Loups and the Chateaubriand house. This friendly hotel will make everyone stay a delight.

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • BEZONS, France

    Ibis Styles Bezons Paris La Défense

    Ibis Styles Bezons Paris la Defense offers 117 rooms with AC, a modern design and 24 hours service. Its green space and large windows provide the light and ambiance of a greenhouse. Your business trip or family vacation will be a unique experience in a soothing and comforting atmosphere. At the entrance to the town of Bezons, less than 2 min from public transport, relax and dine at MAISON MAULNY restaurant.

    Rated 5,0 of 5

    ibis budget Vélizy

    The 2-star ibis budget Vélizy is a low-cost hotel that is perfectly equipped for business travelers, vacationers and families. Opposite the Vélizy 2 mall and close to the Palace of Versailles, the hotel also has free parking. There are shaving, dental and other kits available from dispensers, and the Choose + Eat terminal will satisfy any hunger pangs. We look forward to welcoming you to Vélizy!

    Rated 3,7 of 5

    ibis Paris Rueil Malmaison

    ibis Paris Rueil Malmaison: enjoy all Rueil-Malmaison has to offer. In the heart of the city, the hotel offers 58 air-conditioned rooms with modern elegance, total comfort and free WiFi and Chromecast. Savory or sweet, breakfast is the best way to start the day. Meals can be served at any time of the day. For business or leisure, ibis Paris Rueil Malmaison will make your stay unforgettable.

    Rated 4,6 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Orly Airport

    Close to Paris Orly airport, discover our new hotel dedicated to escape, designed to help you enjoy the spirit of Zen in the heart of the airport. Take advantage of our cocooning design rooms and breakfast, included to relax before or after your flight. Kids will have fun in the recreation area with interactive games. Our gourmet shop and Take Air snack bar will respond to your cravings 24 hours.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis Saint-Gratien-Enghien-les-Bains

    Come and enjoy solo, with friends or family: our 50 bedrooms are 100% renovated, air-conditioned and equipped with WiFi. Buffet breakfast available. Covered public car park (8 euros/ 24hours) 20m from the hotel.

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Velizy

    The hotel is located in the heart of the Vélizy commercial area, opposite the Vélizy 2 shopping center and its cinema. Breakfast and high-speed Wi-Fi connection are always included in the ibis Styles Paris Vélizy prices. The hotel offers 88 rooms all equipped with large flat screens and some with air conditioning. The Au Bureau restaurant welcomes you every day with direct hotel access. The T6 tram allows direct access to Paris and Versailles from the hotel.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • ST GRATIEN, France

    ibis budget Saint Gratien Enghien les Bains

    The ibis budget St-Gratien hotel is located 6.2 mi (10 km) north-west of Paris in the center of a pleasant town full of flowers. Home to an Olympic fencing medalist, the town neighbors Enghien-les-Bains. Enjoy the casino, race track and proximity to the c apital. Access is easy thanks to the road network and 24/7 public transport. You will be just 20 minutes from the Eiffel Tower and Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport and 35 minutes from Notre Dame Cathedral, Parc Astérix and Disneyland Paris.

    Rated 3,8 of 5

    ibis budget Airport Le Bourget Garonor

    Located 2.8 miles (4.5 km) from Le Bourget airport and just 6.2 miles (10 km) from Paris, the ibis budget Aeroport Le Bourget Garonor hotel offers fully renovated, modern rooms with free WIFI access. Close to the Astérix theme park, the hotel is 3.7 miles (6 km) from the Villepinte exhibition center and 1.9 miles (3 km) from RER station Le Blanc-Mesnil, which takes you directly to Paris. Bus 350 offers direct access to the capital and Roissy CDG airport. The hotel features free private parking

    Rated 3,2 of 5

    ibis budget Rueil Malmaison

    Located in the Rueil 2000 business district and close to the RER A and A86 highway, ibis budget du Rueil-Malmaison offers quick access to La Défense for your meetings or congresses and to the Champs-Élysées for a walk on the most beautiful avenue in the world. Sleep smart in comfortable rooms for 1, 2 or 3 people at low prices and enjoy a tasty breakfast. Free WIFI.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • BRY SUR MARNE, France

    ibis budget Marne la Vallée Bry sur Marne

    On the outskirts of Paris and Marne-la-Vallée, the ibis budget Bry-sur-Marne (formerly an Etap Hotel) is located across from the Euromedia and National Audiovisual (INA) studios, as well as the Noisy-le-Grand business center. Near the RER A and E lines, 3 bus lines and the A4, it is the ideal stop-over if you are visiting Disneyland-Paris or are on a business trip. Orly and Roissy airports are nearby, as is the Stade de France. Rooms for 1, 2 or 3 people at a budget price, free WIFI and private car park

    Rated 3,5 of 5
  • ANTONY, France

    ibis budget Antony Massy (renovated 2024)

    Budget soundproofed A/C rooms for 1 to 4, for business or family stays at the ibis budget Antony. Reception open 24/7, free WIFI and free secure parking. Low-priced buffet breakfast spread. Food order terminal and vending machines for drinks and snack options. 4.5 miles from Paris - Orly airport, 9 from Paris and 2.5 from Massy TGV (Ouigo) station.

    Rated 4,1 of 5

    ibis Paris Coeur d'Orly Airport

    Welcome to the friendly modern setting of the ibis Paris Coeur d'Orly, 5 minutes via the walkway from Orly Terminal 4. We go the extra mile to give you an enjoyable stay: cozy 140 - 183 ft² rooms, and buffet breakfast from 4am. There's also a restaurant open until 11pm and a bar open until 12:30am.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • ORLY, France

    ibis budget Paris Coeur d'Orly Airport

    Located 330 yards from Orly 4 and in the heart of Paris Orly Airport, the ibis budget Paris Coeur d'Orly Airport hotel is ideal for stopovers and work or leisure stays. Fully air-conditioned hotel with modern and comfortable rooms. Enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast and free WiFi. Snacks and light catering available 24/7. Close to Jolaine restaurant, transport links and baggage lockers.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • NOISY LE GRAND, France

    ibis Marne la Vallée Noisy

    The ibis team welcomes you to a warm and friendly atmosphere for your work or family stays. Our 161 renovated rooms with A/C-and our restaurant-grill, Courtepaille, which is open 7 days a week-will provide added comfort. For family stays, the hotel has family rooms for 2 adults and 2 children, or 2 adults and 1 child. The property has WiFi throughout the hotel, and private and secure parking for a fee.

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • ANTONY, France

    ibis Styles Antony Paris Sud

    The ibis Styles Antony Paris Sud, open since March 2016, is ideally located on the Antony Pôle business park and close to Orly airport. This design hotel features contemporary, a bar and a restaurant. If you are staying with us for leisure, book our family suites which can accommodate up to four people. For your business stays, our two seminar rooms have everything you need for your meetings. Direct access from the A6 and A10 highways.

    Rated 3,4 of 5
  • SUCY EN BRIE, France

    ibis budget Sucy en Brie

    The ibis budget Sucy Bonneuil is ideally located for visiting Paris, catching a flight or having fun at Disneyland. 12 miles from Paris and Orly Airport, easy access via A86, 875 yards from the RER A and the Château de Sucy, 10 mins from Créteil hospital and the Créteil-Soleil Mall, 15 mins from Rungis international market, 10 mins from Ormesson golf course, 5 mins from Marne riverside walks, and 15 mins from Créteil 4Padel park.

    Rated 3,6 of 5

    ibis Aulnay Paris Nord Expo

    ibis Aulnay Paris Nord Expo is located 10 mins from the Villepinte and Le Bourget exhibition parks for annual exhibitions, competitions, political conventions and air shows. Also nearby: Paris-Nord 2 and Garonor business centers, Roissy-CDG airport. The main roads take you to Stade de France, the heart of Paris, Parc Asterix (20 min) and Parc Robert Ballanger (2 min).

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • MASSY, France

    Ibis Styles Massy Opera

    Designed with a musical theme, ibis Styles Massy Opera offers 111 stylish, economy rooms with fiber WIFI and all essential comforts. The restaurant serves dishes to suit every taste. The bar is open 24 hours a day. The 4 seminar rooms cater for work-based events. The hotel is close to Anthonypole and the Atlantis Center, Orly Airport, Massy TGV, RER B, and the A6 and A10 highways.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • MASSY, France

    ibis Massy

    Situated in Massy-Antony's business district, the ibis Massy hotel invites you to 68 recently renovated, air-conditioned rooms for a modern experience. Our 24-hour bar offers refreshments and snacks, while complimentary high-speed WiFi keeps you connected. Enjoy peace of mind with free outdoor parking, complete with charging stations.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • NOISY LE GRAND, France

    Ibis Budget Marne-la-Vallée Noisy-le-Grand

    Halfway between Paris and Disneyland Paris, our hotel is ideally located for your business or leisure trips. It has excellent transport links, with Noisy-le-Grand Mont d'Est RER A station just 219 yards (200 m) away - less than a 5-minute walk. You can re ach the heart of the capital or Disneyland Paris in just 15 minutes.

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • GONESSE, France

    Ibis Budget Gonesse

    Welcome to the ibis budget Gonesse. This modern hotel welcomes you in a comfortable, contemporary setting for your professional and family trips. Relax in the bar lounge, on the terrace and at the nearby American Steakhouse restaurant offering a tasty menu. We also help you organize your meetings with our three modular seminar rooms.

  • Gonesse, France

    Ibis Gonesse

    Welcome to the ibis Gonesse. This modern hotel welcomes you in a comfortable, contemporary setting for your professional and family trips. Relax in the bar lounge, on the terrace and at the nearby American Steakhouse restaurant offering a tasty menu. We also help you organize your meetings with our three modular seminar rooms.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • JOUY EN JOSAS, France

    ibis Jouy en Josas Velizy

    Welcome to the ibis Jouy-en-Josas/Velizy hotel! Located in a green and peaceful setting, the hotel offers 62 rooms equipped with new ibis bedding, free WIFI, 32" TVs with beIN Sport, free outdoor car park and 24/7 bar meal service.

    Rated 4,7 of 5

    Ibis Budget Chilly Mazarin Les Champarts

    The ibis budget Chilly Mazarin Les Champarts hotel looks forward to welcoming you into its fully renovated setting. Our rooms are all equipped with a cozy bed, desk, WIFI, flat-screen TV, shower room with toilet and air cooling system.

    Rated 3,5 of 5

    ibis Marne la Vallée Champs

    With a bar and restaurant plus terrace and garden, offering a revamped French cuisine spiced with world flavors, this 110-room complex is perfect for couples and families, triple rooms and additional child bed available wanting to go to Disneyland Paris in just 20 minutes. This hotel is also great for business people, with free fiber WIFI throughout and 3 connected meeting rooms.

    Rated 4,1 of 5

    ibis Villepinte Parc Expos

    An event at the exhibition center? A stop off on the way to Roissy airport? Look no further than the ibis Villepinte Parc des Expositions! The attentive team will ensure you enjoy a pleasant, restful stay. You can enjoy its recently renovated rooms and fr ee WIFI connection. And that's not all... At the ibis Villepinte hotel, you can also enjoy a delicious meal on a beautiful terrace. The flavors on offer at the "La Boucherie" restaurant will delight your taste buds. See you soon!

    Rated 3,7 of 5

    ibis Styles Parc des Expositions de Villepinte

    With its unusual design and air-conditioned rooms, ibis Styles Parc des Expositions de Villepinte Hotel offers professional travelers and families ideal service. Close to all transport, our hotel offers you a haven of peace, inspired by nature. Many services will enhance your visit: a Courtepaille restaurant is in the hotel, a terrace and a bar are at your disposal, as well as a meeting room!

    Rated 4,0 of 5

    ibis Maisons Laffitte

    Ibis Maisons-Laffitte offers rooms for 1 to 4 people in a green setting just 20 minutes from Paris. To wake you up gently, our breakfast includes a wide choice of sweet, savory, hot and cold products. Balzane, our bar and restaurant, welcomes you by the fireplace or on the shaded and quiet terrace. We have a large, free and possibly closed car park and several seminar rooms.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • VERSAILLES, France

    ibis Versailles Château

    Ibis Versailles Château hotel is ideally located near the majestic Palace of Versailles and opposite Versailles-Château-Rive-Gauche train station. Our air-conditioned rooms with private bathrooms offer tranquility after exploring the historical treasures around you. In the heart of Versailles, our bar invites you to a moment of relaxation, with a selection of hot and cold light snacks available 24h a day.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • CHELLES, France

    ibis budget Marne la Vallée Chelles

    The ibis budget Marne La Vallée Chelles hotel is ideally located between the Disneyland Paris theme park and the center of Paris. It offers direct access to the Villepinte Parc des Expositions and Paris Roissy CDG airport. The hotel has different types of rooms with modern decor, flat screen TV with a TV package including TNT, CANAL+, and BEIN SPORT. WIFI connection is offered throughout the hotel and there is a free private, enclosed, secure car park. Unlimited, balanced breakfast.

    Rated 3,3 of 5

    ibis budget Roissy CDG Paris Nord 2

    Located near Roissy CDG Airport, the ibis budget Roissy-CDG Paris Nord 2 is perfect for stopovers, business or leisure stays. Comfortable rooms for up to 3 people complete with TV, free WIFI, private shower and WC. Enjoy the all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast from 5am and 24-hour snack facilities. The hotel has a private and secure paid car park.

    Rated 3,8 of 5

    ibis budget Pontault Combault RN4 Marne la Vallée

    ibis budget Pontault Combault RN4 Marne-la-vallée welcomes you to a modern space. Discover its comfortable and affordable rooms for up to 3 people. Take advantage of the bright all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet space to get the day off to a good start! For even more comfort, the hotel offers free WiFi access and parking! You can also eat in the many restaurants in the shopping area.

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis Saint Germain en Laye Centre

    The ibis Saint-Germain-en-Laye welcomes you for business or family stays. The hotel has 61 modern, A/C bedrooms and flat screen TV with chromecast. An ideal location with many restaurants, stores and cultural tours. Sweet and savory breakfast. Bar open 24/7 for appetizers, main dishes and desserts. Bike and scooter rental for getting around. Guitar, piano and ukulele available to bring ibis music to life.

    Rated 4,7 of 5

    Ibis Budget Goussainville Charles De Gaulle

    The ibis budget Goussainville CDG hotel welcomes guests with 24-hour service and a friendly team that speak several languages. Enjoy our free and secure parking, spacious rooms with walk-in showers and a relaxation hall that is conducive to conversation. Near major sites like the Parc des Expositions de Villepinte, Le Bourget, Stade de France and Parc Astérix, our hotel also has easy access to Paris.

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis Marne la Vallee Emerainville

    The ibis Marne La Vallée Emerainville hotel has 84 double, triple or twin rooms to suit your needs. Fully air-conditioned, the hotel also has a free car park and free fiber. Enjoy a game of foosball under the bright veranda as well as our bar open 24 hours a day before tasting our homemade dish of the day, from Monday to Thursday, 7pm to 10pm. You can order a wide range of pizzas at any time of day.

    Rated 4,2 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Roissy-CDG

    The 3-star ibis Styles Paris Roissy-CDG hotel is open 24 hours and ideal for business or leisure stays, near Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle (CDG) airport and the Villepinte exhibition center. Offer includes breakfast and unlimited WIFI. The hotel has a cozy bar, restaurant, free private parking and a paid shuttle Monday to Sunday.

    Rated 3,7 of 5

    ibis budget Marne la Vallée Pontault Combault

    The ibis budget Marne-la-Vallée Pontault-Combault hotel is open 24/7, approx 20 km from Paris and Disneyland. Choose from our bedrooms for 2 to 4 people with free WiFi, air conditioning and TV. Enjoy nature: football, volleyball and petanque courts and relaxation on the terrace. The bar, children's area and library also promise good times inside. We have two meeting rooms for your business trips.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • SANTENY, France

    ibis budget Santeny

    The ibis budget Santeny is the smart choice for accommodation. Sleep in a pleasant, modern room for 1, 2 or 3 people and equipped with a private shower and toilet, large TV package (TNT, beIN sports channels, Canal+, etc.) and free unlimited WIFI. Enjoy a ll of this, plus an unlimited gourmet buffet breakfast, for a budget price. The hotel is ideally located in the countryside, 9.3 miles from Paris and Disney, and close to shops, restaurants and the châteaux and golf courses of Santeny and Grosbois.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • ST CYR L'ECOLE, France

    ibis budget Versailles Château Saint Cyr

    At the entrance of Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole l'Epi d'Or, the ibis budget Versailles-Château (formerly an Etap Hotel) is located less than 1.9 miles (3 km) from the Château de Versailles and 6.2 miles (10 km) from the France Miniature park. This economy hotel clos e to the new town of St-Quentin-en-Yvelines offers standard rooms at affordable rates for 1, 2 or 3 people and family rooms for 4 people. Free private car park and WIFI connection.

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • GUYANCOURT, France

    ibis Styles Guyancourt Versailles

    Welcome to our bright, designer hotel in Guyancourt. You'll love its trendy decor with graphic lines, and in the rooms, where headboards and carpet are inspired by Mondrian's paintings. Relax on our terrace or in our restaurant. Among the amenities, breakfast, unlimited free WiFi and undercover secure car park. For your professional events and appointments, book our meeting room.

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis Styles Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines

    Discover our hotel ideally located in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, perfect for your business and leisure trips. With easy access from the Saint-Cyr RER station, you can enjoy privileged access to Paris and the Château de Versailles. Discover 93 rooms renovated for optimal comfort. Enjoy our terrace, bar and 24-hour snacking service. Free WiFi and parking.

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis Paris CDG Airport

    Near Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport, the Ibis Paris CDG Airport hotel welcomes you year-round. Designed with your comfort in mind, our rooms are a haven of serenity. Some can accommodate up to 5 people, ideal for family trips. Enjoy services such as dry cleaning, a press and gift store, a secure undercover car park, a friendly bar and 4 restaurants offering culinary diversity to satisfy all your tastes.

    Rated 4,3 of 5

    ibis Styles Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

    Discover the unique space world of ibis Styles Paris CDG Airport. Make a stop-over in our space station and enjoy our comfortable, soundproofed bedrooms in a warm, modern setting. For family stays, vacations or business trips, our hotel in the heart of Roissy CDG airport will meet all your needs. Our buffet breakfast is included and our Jetlag restaurant will delight the taste buds of all astronauts.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • GRIGNY, France

    ibis budget Grigny Centre

    The stylish and fully renovated ibis budget Grigny Centre hotel is located right by Grigny-Centre RER D train station for trains to Paris Gare de Lyon or Paris Gare du Nord. Ideal for all your business and leisure trips, directly accessible from the A6 an d by bus from Paris Orly International Airport (5 mi [8 km]), Roissy CDG airport and the Stade de France. The hotel has spacious and renovated rooms, free WIFI and free private parking reserved for guests.

    Rated 3,0 of 5

    ibis budget Marne la Vallée

    In a quiet tree-lined setting, our Marne-la-Vallée hotel offers air-conditioned bedrooms that can accommodate up to 4 people, some with views of the garden. During a family stay, discover our large bedrooms with a single bed in a separate corner and our play area. Snacks and pizzas cooked on site are available, as well as an interactive kiosk to order from nearby restaurants. On-site car park available.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • Achères, France

    Ibis Acheres St Germain en Laye

    Discover the Hotel ibis Acheres Saint Germain en Laye. This new hotel with a comfortable, modern design welcomes you for your business trips or family vacations. Stay in one of our 64 functional rooms. Enjoy traditional French cuisine in the restaurant which opens onto the terrace, as well as a bar and perfectly equipped meeting facilities.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • CHAMBOURCY, France

    ibis budget Chambourcy Saint Germain

    Our rooms are newly renovated! Next to the future PSG campus, Poissy Hospital and Saint-Germain-en-Laye agricultural school, the ibis budget Chambourcy hotel is easily accessible from the A13 highway linking Paris and Normandy. Feeling peckish? There is a Carrefour hypermarket opposite the hotel and delivery services are available. Visit Saint-Germain-en-Laye, its castle and garden overlooking West Paris.

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • POISSY, France

    ibis Styles Poissy Paris

    Try the newly refurbished ibis Styles Poissy, with 84 air-conditioned and soundproofed rooms, plus 43" TV, ultra-fast WIFI and supreme quality bedding. There's a 24-hour snack bar, private designer areas for business meetings, and covered parking. The hotel is a lovely place to spend time with family, friends or colleagues, and just 20 minutes by train from downtown Paris and La Défense.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • MONTLHERY, France

    ibis Montlhéry Paris Sud

    12.4 miles south of Paris, between Saclay, Massy, Orly & Évry, this new generation ibis hotel is ideally situated on the N20 for business or leisure. 99 AC rooms with 43" smart TVs & free WiFi. Restaurant, cocktail bar, entertainment & giant screens, cult ural, music & video game areas. Two meeting rooms for 80 people. Enclosed private parking, electric charging stations. 21,528 sq. ft. gym 55 yards away.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    greet hotel Versailles - Voisins Le Bretonneux

    Our greet hotel gives you the chance to unwind, get together and have fun. In the heart of the Chevreuse Valley, discover our fully renovated hotel, enjoy the comfort of our air-conditioned rooms, as well as our bar, café and restaurant, and greeet room. The hotel is in a prime location close to Versailles, Le Golf National and Val de Saint-Quentin.

    Rated 4,1 of 5

    ibis Saint Quentin En Yvelines Velodrome

    The ibis Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Velodrome has 92 AC rooms with a modern and comfortable design. The hotel has the latest generation ibis rooms and is situated on the National Velodrome de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines site-future location of the 2024 Olympic Games-in Montigny-le-Bretonneux. Also near Guyancourt National Golf Club. Within walking distance from the RER station at Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

    Rated 4,3 of 5

    ibis budget Saint Quentin en Yvelines Velodrome

    The ibis budget Saint Quentin en Yvelines Vélodrome hotel, which opens in March 2016, is both modern and inviting. The hotel has 88 comfortable and modern air-conditioned rooms for 1, 2 or 3 guests, equipped with a shower, toilet, TV, free WIFI and a payi ng car park. Enjoy a gourmet breakfast for an unbeatable price. There is also a restaurant nearby. 24-hour hotel located in the National Velodrome area of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, near the train station

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • EVRY, France

    Ibis Styles Evry Courcouronnes - Hotel and Events

    In the heart of Evry, close to the train station, (re)discover our colorful, lively and comfortable hotel. Relax, eat, organize your events or work in the friendly atmosphere of our hotel's spaces. To rest, return to your spacious bedroom with cozy bedding and flatscreen TV. To entertain yourself or celebrate unforgettable moments, enjoy our bar and delicious cocktails before dining in the restaurant.

    Rated 4,1 of 5

    Ibis Budget Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône

    The ibis Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône is located on the N184 in the heart of Cité de L'Auto, as well as Caravelles and Epluches business parks. Quick access to the A15 and A115 in the Paris and Cergy-Pontoise direction. 64 modern and comfortable rooms with a flat-screen TV and satellite bundle. Free WiFi throughout the hotel and breakfast buffet. Free private parking for guests, hotel open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

    Rated 3,1 of 5
  • EVRY, France

    Ibis Évry-Courcouronnes

    Come and enjoy life with our ALL program at ibis Paris Evry. 90 modern rooms equipped with flat-screen TVs and unlimited WiFi, restaurant with terrace in summer and bar with entertainment for sporting events. Our Smile Team is happy to welcome you and help you organize your business/leisure stay, as well as meetings and training in the bright seminar room.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • ORGEVAL, France

    ibis budget Orgeval

    ibis budget, the smart accommodation choice! When you're travelling, choose to sleep in a modern and comfortable room for 1, 2 or 3 people equipped with a shower, toilet and satellite TV, all at a very affordable price. Also enjoy the benefits of a delici ous breakfast at a great price! Paris city center is 30 km (18.6 miles) away, the Palace of Versailles is 12 km (7.5 miles) away, Thoiry zoo is 25 km (15.5 miles) away, and France Miniature in Élancourt is 25 km (15.5 miles) away

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis Cergy-Pontoise Le Port

    Discover a fully renovated hotel in a modern decor very near the port of Cergy. Make the most of our lobby in an industrial design to work or relax. At the bar or on the terrace, enjoy a dish or platter at any time of day in a cozy ambiance. Our new Variation rooms are equipped with AC and fiber WIFI. Ibis Cergy Pontoise Le Port has a seminar room with natural light and a free enclosed car park.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • EVRY, France

    ibis Styles Évry Lisses

    Discover this fully refurbished, air-conditioned hotel in Essonne, the Île-de-France's secret garden just outside Paris. The ibis Styles Évry Lisses has its own bistro restaurant, the Atelier, open weekdays with an impressive array of creative dishes. Our team can't wait to say hi.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • TRAPPES, France

    ibis budget Versailles Trappes

    The adventure starts here! Our hotel is straight off the RN10 and close to the train station, and whether it's for one night or several, the team will make your stay a delight! The recently refurbished hotel has air-conditioned rooms, free WIFI and 24-hour snack vending facility. Parking is free and private for all guests, with automatic bollard for late arrivals.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • MONTEVRAIN, France

    ibis budget Marne la Vallée Val d'Europe

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • MONTEVRAIN, France

    ibis Marne la Vallée Val d'Europe

    The 3-star ibis Marne-La-Vallée Val d'Europe hotel is located near Val d'Europe RER A station (exit 2) and 5 minutes from Marne-La-Vallée Chessy TGV train station. Located 20 miles (32 km) from Paris and 1 hour from Paris' airports, you can get to the ibis Marne-La-Vallée Val d'Europe hotel by taking the A4 highway. This hotel has 100 rooms, free WIFI, a restaurant, a bar and a private car park (charges apply). Come and enjoy a pleasant stay with us!

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • L'ISLE ADAM, France

    ibis budget l'Isle Adam

    Ibis budget - the smart choice for both business and leisure travellers! Our modern, comfortable room can accommodate up to 3 people, with a shower, toilet, and flat-screen TV, all at an affordable price. And in the morning, help yourself to our all-you-c an-eat buffet breakfast!

    Rated 3,7 of 5
  • CERGY, France

    ibis budget Cergy Saint Christophe

    The ibis budget Cergy, is located in the business district, 0.6 miles (1 km) from the RER A Cergy St Christophe station, 21.8 miles (35 km) from Paris, less than 40 min from CDG and Orly airports and the Villepinte and Bourget exhibition centers. The hote l is entirely renovated with beautiful Cocoon design rooms with shower, toilet, and TV for a very affordable price. Delicious breakfast available at a great price! Free WIFI in all rooms, free secure car park, nearby restaurant.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • COIGNIERES, France

    ibis budget Versailles Coignières

    The ibis budget Versailles Coignières is the smart choice for accommodation. Sleep in a pleasant, modern room for 1, 2 or 3 people and equipped with a private shower and toilet, large TV package (TNT, beIN sports channels, Canal+, etc.) and free unlimited WIFI. Enjoy all of this, plus an unlimited gourmet buffet breakfast, for a budget price. The hotel is ideally located 9.3 miles from the châteaux of Versailles and Rambouillet, France Miniature, Thoiry Zoo, Ile des Loisirs, shops and restaurants.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • MEAUX, France

    ibis Styles Meaux Centre

    This unusual hotel, in the heart of the city of Meaux. Ibis Styles Meaux Centre, has rooms overlooking the Marne and Meaux Cathedral. The exterior décor goes hand in hand with the charming literary design inside. A terrace by the river, a bar and a breakfast room complete the service offer of our establishment for a warm and unforgettable welcome to visitors to the sub-prefecture of Seine-et-Marne.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • MELUN, France

    ibis Melun

    The hotel offers 73 rooms with free WIFI, La Table Rouge restaurant (closed Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday), a bar with a 24-hour snack menu and a free private car park. The ibis Melun is the ideal base for numerous excursions such as the Châteaux of Vaux-le-Vicomte, Blandy-les-Tours and Fontainebleau and its national forest. An ideal location for your business trips, the hotel is located 5 minutes from the center of Melun and 25 minutes from Fontainebleau.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • RUBELLES, France

    ibis Styles Melun

    Breakfast and unlimited WIFI included in all room rates at the ibis Styles Melun hotel. This 3-star air-conditioned hotel offers 54 renovated rooms, including family suites with a stylish design. The hotel has a bar lounge featuring a terrace where you ca n enjoy a meal, a relaxation area for the whole family and seminar rooms. Free enclosed private car park available.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • SENLIS, France

    ibis budget Senlis

    On the outskirts of the city of Senlis, the ibis budget Senlis hotel is located 30 min from Paris, 15 min from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, 20 min from Paris Nord Villepinte and 20 min from Le Bourget. The hotel offers quick access to the most beautif ul tourist sites on the Oise River. The Château de Chantilly and its racecourse, Parc Astérix and Mer de Sable are just 10 min away. The hotel offers free WIFI and a free car park. Reserve rooms for up to 3 people and enjoy a hearty breakfast.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • SENLIS, France

    ibis Senlis

    The ibis Senlis hotel (including restaurant) is just 2 mins from the town center and 10 mins from the ZAC Paris Oise business park. Convenient location for business breaks, 15 mins from Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport, 20 mins from the Villepinte exhibit ion center, and 30 mins from Paris. The hotel has 95 rooms with free WIFI, 3 meeting rooms, a Grill Courtepaille restaurant with a terrace, open from 11am to11pm, and a 24-hour snack service. A free enclosed outdoor car park is also provided.

    Rated 4,0 of 5

    ibis budget Rambouillet

    South of Rambouillet, the ibis budget (formerly an Etap Hotel) is located in a bustling business district. Tourist attractions such as the château and the Bergerie Nationale are in the city center, 3.1 miles away. Explore the Forest of Rambouillet 6.2 mil es away, and discover the animal park and Clairefontaine soccer training center. Versailles is 15.5 miles away. Take a break at an economy hotel in rooms for 1, 2 or 3 people equipped with free WIFI at affordable rates. Free car park.

    Rated 4,3 of 5

    ibis Rambouillet

    The ibis Rambouillet hotel is located in the Bel Air business park, close to a shopping center, 1.2 miles (2 km) from the château, the Laiterie de la Reine, the race track, the National Sheepfold and the Musée du Jeu de L'Oie. Easily accessible via the RN 10, the hotel has 63 rooms, a 24-hour snack bar, a terrace, and a free outdoor car park. 4 meeting facilities are available for seminars and conferences. WIFI Internet access for guests traveling on business. Animal friendly.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • ETAMPES, France

    ibis Etampes

    The ibis Etampes hotel is 5 minutes from the city center and near the RER C train station. Nearby shopping, we are ideal for your business or family stays. Book one of our 67 air-conditioned and soundproofed rooms. Unwind at the Rendez Vous bar. We are 100 percent non-smoking and have a private car park.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis Creil Sur Oise

    The ibis Creil-sur-Oise hotel is located just 5 min from the Creil train station in the heart of the Creil region, 5 min from the industrial zones of Montataire, Pont-Sainte-Maxence, Clermont, and a stone's throw away from popular tourist attractions in t he Picardy region (Chantilly, Senlis, Compiègne, Parc Astérix, Mer des Sables). The hotel has a restaurant, bar and 59 soundproofed rooms with free WIFI and flat-screen TV. Free enclosed car park with CCTV.

    Rated 4,2 of 5

    ibis budget Mantes la Jolie Sully

    Just 30 min from Paris (direct from Saint Lazare train station), next to highway A13 (which connects Paris to Normandy) and just 5 min from the city center, the ibis budget Mantes La Jolie hotel provides all-round easy access. For excursions with your fam ily, explore Vexin nature park, visit Park Thoiry zoo or wander around Claude Monet's gardens in Giverny. The hotel has 80 rooms with free WIFI for 1, 2 or 3 people. Underground car park available.

    Rated 1,0 of 5
  • AVON, France

    Ibis budget Fontainebleau Avon hotel

    The Ibis Budget Fontainebleau-Avon hotel is 4 km from the Fontainebleau castle and town center, and 5 km from the Grand Parquet. 72 air-conditioned rooms renovated in 2019 for 1 - 3 people at a budget price with a bathroom, toilet, comforter, satellite TV, free WiFi and a free enclosed car park. All-you-can-eat buffet breakfast at smart prices. Explore the region for nearby hikes, walks or rock climbing.

    Rated 4,0 of 5

    ibis Château de Fontainebleau

    Located opposite Château de Fontainebleau, our hotel is in an ideal location for lovers of culture and history. The rooms are comfortable and equipped with everything you need for a pleasant stay. The staff are helpful and welcoming, and the hotel offers services for business guests. The location opposite the château offers beautiful views and easy access to local attractions.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • BEAUVAIS, France

    ibis Styles Beauvais (ex Mercure)

    Recently renovated. "All-inclusive" offer (overnight stay, buffet breakfast + WiFi). Every ibis Styles has its own charm and personality. Our hotel has 60 spacious, air-conditioned and soundproofed rooms. Bar and restaurant on-site. Organize meetings in our 4 bright, modular seminar rooms. Don't forget to enjoy our beautiful terrace in the summer!

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • BEAUVAIS, France

    ibis Beauvais Airport

    Ideally located 5 minutes from Beauvais-Tillé airport and exit 15 of the A16, the ibis Beauvais Aéroport hotel offers 78 air-conditioned and soundproofed rooms. Free WIFI and parking are offered during your stay. A public shuttle to the airport runs regularly every morning. Our hotel also has a bar with 24-hour food service. Enjoy our beautiful terrace during the summer; our coffee is very popular! :-)

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • JAUX, France

    ibis Styles Compiegne

    Nestled between the city and nature, ibis Styles Compiègne invites you to book a woodland getaway. Inspired by the surrounding forests, the hotel has 58 rooms where comfort meets modernity in a welcoming setting. Head to the fitness center or sauna to unwind. Want more? Cinema, bowling, go-karting, restaurants & fitness trails are all nearby. All our rates incl. an energizing breakfast & unlimited WIFI.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • COMPIEGNE, France

    ibis Compiègne

    Located 1.8 miles from the center, the hotel is 30 mins from Roissy-CDG Airport and 45 mins from the Stade de France. Our fully air-conditioned hotel offers meeting rooms, a Food Bar and a modern, convivial lounge. Large terrace and free games available (petanque, table soccer, darts, table tennis, etc.) Air conditioning, free WIFI, free private parking, charging stations. Activities: Palais de Compiègne, national forest, Deportation Memorial, race course, Glade of the Armistice, Parc Astérix.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • TILLE, France

    ibis budget Beauvais Airport

    Close to the airport, opposite Terminals 1 and 2, the ibis BUDGET BEAUVAIS AEROPORT is the ideal hotel for a stopover, business or leisure stay. Our rooms for 1-4 people are equipped with a TV, shower, bathroom and free WiFi. Our all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet is served from 5am-10am. In the evening, a 24-hour snack service will satisfy your appetite. Our parking lot is also free for your nights stay.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • NEMOURS, France

    ibis Nemours

    Located 1.4 miles from downtown Nemours and near the hway 16 exit, ibis Nemours offers comfortable, air-conditioned rooms. We make getting here easy with our free, large, enclosed car park! Once you've settled in, come enjoy our colorful terrace and relax at the bar. Board games and free WiFi await. Our menu of hot dishes is available 24 hours a day to enjoy in your room, on the terrace, or at the table.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • COMPIEGNE, France

    ibis budget Compiègne Centre Ville

    In the town center, near the train station, only 164 yards from the town hall, château de Compiègne, the river Oise and the UTC University, ibis budget welcomes you 24 hours a day. The rooms, for 1 or 2 people, have a shower, toilet, flat-screen satellite TV and free WIFI. Family rooms for 3 people may be available on request. Free and paying public car parks close by. To visit: Mémorial de la Déportation, the national forest, the Haras Nationaux, the Clairière de l'Armistice and château de Pierrefond.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • DREUX, France

    ibis Styles Dreux Centre Gare

    Enter a world of 1950s Le Corbusier style. Just 50 m from the train station, the downtown ibis Styles Dreux Centre Gare has 60 neat and spacious rooms with air conditioning and WIFI. Most have balconies and stunning views of historic Dreux and the Chapelle Royale. Try the ArchiBar or the terrace for a business meeting or relaxing break.

    Rated 4,8 of 5
  • CHARTRES, France

    greet Chartres Est

    For an affordable stay that s more eco-friendly, come and discover our greet Chartres Est hotel. Fully renovated with antique or upcycled furniture, our hotel is environmentally responsible and locally committed while offering a warm and friendly atmosphere. For work, rest or sharing quality moments, enjoy the comfort of our 55 rooms or a drink at the bar away from the hustle and bustle of the city

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • PROVINS, France

    ibis Provins

    Located on the doorstep of the medieval city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and close to the city center, the fully renovated ibis Provins hotel has 49 rooms with free WIFI. Its restaurant with terrace is open every day of the week. The hotel offers a ren ovated meeting room measuring 538 sq. ft. (50 m²), which is modular, fully equipped and has natural light. Come and discover the Tour César, historic underground tunnels, medieval city center and culinary specialties made with Provins roses.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • CHARTRES, France

    ibis budget Chartres

    Whether traveling solo, in pairs, as a group or family, you'll have plenty of room at the ibis Budget Chartres. Just 3.7 miles from downtown Chartres and its cathedral, you can reach the city in a few minutes or enjoy our services: free parking, terrace and tree-lined garden, games area, vending machines for drinks and snacks-everything is here. Our hotel is now 100% air-conditioned for summer nights!

    Rated 4,2 of 5

    ibis Château-Thierry

    Our hotel has 55 air-conditioned rooms spread over 2 floors, all served by an elevator. 24-hour reception desk. For your business trips, we offer 3 air-conditioned modular meeting rooms that were renovated in 2021. Dine or relax by the fireplace in our bar lounge area. Those who love food will enjoy our breakfast buffet. In the summer, enjoy our quiet, pond-side terrace.

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    Ibis budget Château-Thierry

    We welcome you 24/7 in our new generation hotel comprising 48 modern, air-conditioned and soundproofed bedrooms, with elevator. Our rooms can accommodate up to 5 adults, with private, functional bathroom facilities. Whether for a business or leisure stay, our hotel will adapt perfectly to your expectations. For all gourmets, enjoy our full buffet breakfast offering varied and quality products.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • LE COUDRAY, France

    ibis Styles Chartres

    Our 50-bedroom hotel offers modern, air-conditioned and comfortable bedrooms for your business or leisure trips that can accommodate up to 5 people. With our all-inclusive offers you can enjoy our full, balanced buffet breakfast to start the day well, as well as WiFi. In an American loft atmosphere, benefit from our bar with terrace and garden with play areas for your children.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • LUCE, France

    ibis Chartres West Lucé

    Located near Chartres, ibis Chartres Ouest Lucé is ideal for all your stays. Besides our 69 rooms, we have a large, free, secure car park, green spaces and games for your children. Hungry? You'll love our chef's homemade dishes. Fancy a drink? Enjoy a cocktail at the bar or on the terrace. Want to get moving? Make use of our fully equipped fitness center. Book now and discover all we have to offer!

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • EVREUX, France

    Greet Hotel Evreux Centre

    Welcome to greet! Stay in our renovated rooms that feel like home and discover our cycling and nature theme. In the center of Évreux, our Green Key certified hotel is perfect whether traveling for work, with family or friends. Ideal for exploring Évreux and Normandy. Enjoy a drink in our Grape Bar. Indulge in a tasty breakfast with local products. The entire team at greet Hôtel Évreux Centre awaits you.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • SOISSONS, France

    ibis Soissons

    Ibis Soissons is near the historic city center and St Jean-Des-Vignes Abbey, 20 mins from Cité Internationale de la Langue Française and Chemin des Dames and 1 hr from Reims. A modern and warm setting, ideal for leisure and business stays, with 53 air-conditioned rooms, free private car park, unlimited and free WIFI access. Easy access from N2 & N31. 1 hr from Paris and Roissy CDG airport.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • NOYON, France

    ibis budget Noyon

    The Ibis Budget Noyon is 2 km from the city center, 90 min. from Paris, 75 min. from Charles de Gaulle Airport, 20 min. from the A1 motorway. The hotel offers double and triple rooms with TV, WiFi, separate toilet. Come and enjoy a complete healthy breakfast on the terrace during good weather.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • VAL DE REUIL, France

    ibis Styles Rouen Val De Reuil

    Rich, colorful decoration, paying tribute to Normandy and half-timbering architecture, with modern art of living... At ibis Styles Rouen Val-de-Reuil, the unusual, elegant design makes your stay unforgettable. In addition to its 78 air-conditioned rooms and high-speed WIFI, a bar and a room dedicated to breakfasts, our hotel offers relaxation at Bistrot d Eric, for authentic, friendly lunches and dinners.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • PANNES, France

    ibis Styles Montargis Arboria

    Ibis Styles Montargis Arboria welcomes you to Gatinais Forest. Breakfast, WIFI and great ambiance are included in the price. As soon as you enter, the forest greets you for an enchanted break. Relax in a cosy armchair, enjoy a local drink, then sit at a table surrounded by clouds for homemade, seasonal cuisine to delight your taste buds. In your room, relax in a huge bed where sweet dreams await you.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • ROYE, France

    ibis budget Roye

    Ibis budget, the smart accommodation choice! Choose to stay in an inviting, modern room while you are on your travels. Each room is designed to accommodate 1, 2 or 3 people (depending on the country) and has a shower, toilet and satellite TV - all at an a ffordable price. Kick start your day with a delicious breakfast that won't break the bank!

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • MONTARGIS, France

    ibis Montargis

    The ibis Montargis hotel and its 1900s retro style La Brasserie de la Poste restaurant welcome you to the heart of Montargis, the Venice of Gâtinais, and the nearby Chateaux of the Loire. The hotel is ideally located at the entrance to Rue Dorée and its s hops, close to the river port and Passerelle Eiffel. Discover the town by foot by following the Bridges circuit or the Chinese circuit, a symbol of cultural exchanges from the 20s.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • SENS, France

    ibis Sens

    The ibis Sens hotel, which opened in July 2016, is both modern and inviting. Located in the Sens Sud commercial district, the hotel has 68 stylish, comfortable, air-conditioned rooms with free WIFI. Access from the Rocade Sud ring road. In a great locatio n just 10 minutes by car from downtown Sens, where you can discover the Palais Synodal, the covered market, or the Maison d'Abraham, a half-timbered house. Meeting room, bar, snacks, 24-hour reception.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • SENS, France

    ibis budget Sens

    The new ibis budget Sens hotel, located in the business district, is the smart accommodation choice! Choose to stay in an inviting, modern room when on your travels. Each room is designed to accommodate 1, 2 or 3 people and has a shower, toilet and satellite TV - all for an affordable price. Kickstart your day with a delicious breakfast for a price that won't break the bank!

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • SARAN, France

    ibis budget Orléans Nord Saran

    Ibis budget Orléans Nord Saran is the smart choice for stays! Whether you're traveling or on business, our team has a solution at a budget-friendly price. Our rooms can host 1, 2 or 3 people (double bed and bunk bed in each room), equipped with a shower and WC. Enjoy the benefits of a gourmet buffet breakfast! Our staff will welcome you with a smile. 24-hour reception. Guide dogs welcome free of charge.

    Rated 3,4 of 5
  • ORLEANS, France

    ibis Orléans Centre Gare

    Ibis Orleans Centre Gare is opposite Orleans train station, 15 min by tram from Co Met and Zenith and 5 mins from the historic center. Ideal location to discover the city and its main attractions, Orleans Cathedral, Place du Martroi, le Charlemagne outdoor activity center, Parc Floral de la Source, Museum of Fine Arts) and for a stroll along the Loire a Velo cycle route. Hotel certified Accueil Velo.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis budget Rouen Sud Zénith

    Opposite Rouen exhibition center and the Zénith, the ibis budget Rouen Sud Zénith is quickly accessible via the A13. 15 minutes from downtown Rouen, our economy hotel has 68 Cocoon rooms with a flat-screen TV, free WiFi, 24-hour ibis Styles reception and free enclosed parking. Our ibis budget and ibis Styles hotels have separate entrances but are connected through check-in at the ibis Styles reception.

    Rated 4,2 of 5

    ibis Styles Rouen Parc des Expos Zénith

    Opposite the exhibition center and the Zenith, the ibis Styles Rouen has been fully renovated and boasts 75 rooms with AC, including one adapted for people with reduced mobility, a bar, a playground, a meeting room, a fitness center and free outdoor parking. Our ibis Styles and ibis Budget hotels have separate entrances but are connected by horizontal circulation that allows interior access between hotels.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • ROUEN, France

    ibis Rouen Centre Champ-de-Mars

    The downtown ibis Rouen Centre Champ-de-Mars hotel is ideal for business and leisure trips to Rouen, just 550 yards from Charles Nicolle Hospital and a mile from the station, and has air-conditioned rooms refurbished in 2019. There's a cozy bar, 24-hr snacks, fitness area and sauna, free WIFI, and paid undercover parking. We look forward to seeing you!

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • ROUEN, France

    ibis Styles Rouen Centre Cathedrale

    Located on the banks of the Seine and in the heart of the city, the ibis Styles Rouen Centre Cathédrale hotel offers 48 renovated rooms with a new design. We welcome families of up to 2 adults and 2 children in our family rooms with a double sofa bed. Our hotel does not have rooms for people with reduced mobility. Our breakfast with regional products is included with free high-speed WiFi.

    Rated 3,8 of 5

    ibis Styles Orleans

    Breakfast & unltd WIFI incl. in all rates at ibis Styles Orléans. The hotel has 42 rooms with A/C incl. 3 singles & 6 twins. Ideally located near highways to Paris, Bordeaux and Tours, close to ZI d'Ingré, Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle and just 10 min from downtown Orléans by car or tram, you can quickly get to your business meetings. The hotel welcomes you until 10pm. Please contact us for late arrivals.

    Rated 3,7 of 5

    ibis budget Rouen Nord Isneauville

    Sylvie and Frédéric are happy to welcome you to the ibis budget Rouen Isneauville. The rooms are equipped with free WIFI, a shower and TV, offering essential comfort at a smart price. The hotel is a 10-minute drive from Rouen. The new F1 bus line is a stone's throw from the hotel so you can reach downtown Rouen in just a few minutes.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • ROUEN, France

    Ibis Styles Rouen Center Left Bank

    Located on the TEOR line, the ibis Styles Rouen Centre Rive Gauche hotel-your new home from home-has 72 air-conditioned rooms spanning at least 20 sqm, 215 sq. ft., with a large bathroom and separate toilet. Large living area with an urban jungle design functions as a co-working space or a place to unwind at the bar. Large, paid private parking lot.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • ROUEN, France

    ibis budget Rouen Centre Rive Gauche

    Combine sightseeing and comfort at ibis budget Rouen Centre Rive Gauche. This hotel offers a unique experience in a setting between lush vegetation and exotic animals. Armchairs and benches in the lounge, a terrace to enjoy snacks and drinks on request. Not to mention the meeting rooms. The spacious and modern rooms accommodate up to 3 people. Are there more of you? Book our connecting rooms.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • ROUEN, France

    Ibis Rouen Centre Rive Gauche Mermoz

    Welcome to the ibis Rouen Center Rive Gauche Mermoz hotel, where we go beyond your expectations. Here you'll find more than accommodation. Our hotel is an authentic and renovated living space, imbued with a relaxed, open and artistic style, designed to make you feel right at home. In a sleek and modern setting, our 90 rooms are ready to welcome guests here on business or a family vacation.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • ROUEN, France

    Ibis Rouen Centre Rive Droite Pasteur

    Our hotel offers you more than a bed. It is a living space with a relaxed, open and artistic style where you will feel right at home. In a stylish and modern setting, our 79 rooms are perfect for business and family stays. We have got it all covered, like co-working spaces in a cozy surrounding or a bar with ibis Music decor that sells snacks 24 from 7. We also have musical instruments for budding musicians.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • ORLEANS, France


    The Ibis Budget Orléans Sud Co'met is located in Orléans, just 900m from the zenith, the future Co'met complex and the tram station. The property is 4 km from Ste Croix Cathedral and Joan of Arc House, 2 km from the Loire River. Guests will have free access to WiFi as well as a secure car park. The reception desk is open 24/7 and the vending machines offer refreshments, hot drinks and snacks at all hours.

    Rated 3,9 of 5

    ibis budget Rouen Petit Quevilly

    2-star aircon hotel lets you to go back in time in city of 100 steeples by offering a comfortable, low-priced stay. Located 3km from historic downtown area, 300m from metro, 5mn drive to Kindarena, Expo Park or Lacroix Island, quick access to A13/A29/A150 highways, ideal location for business, sports or leisure stays. Completely renovated (2017), free WiFi, free car park, Canal+ in all rooms.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • CHATEAUDUN, France

    ibis budget Chateaudun

    Ibis Budget - the smart choice for both business and leisure travellers! Our modern, comfortable room can accommodate up to 3 people, with a shower, toilet, and flat-screen TV, all at an affordable price. And in the morning, help yourself to our all-you-c an-eat buffet breakfast!

    Rated 3,8 of 5
  • AMIENS, France

    ibis Styles Amiens Centre

    Take a deep breath. The ibis Styles hotel restaurant is coming to the Amiens train station! The entry to the city's shopping district, the ibis team welcomes you. Starting from September 2019, discover the little Venice of the North, its cathedral and all the riches of the Picardian capital. And as we say here, "French is the language of my mouth, but Picard is that of my heart!"

    Rated 4,8 of 5
  • AMIENS, France

    ibis budget Amiens Centre Gare

    The ibis budget Amiens Centre Gare hotel is located right in the center of the city, close to the train station and a 15-minute walk from the cathedral and tourist sites. Ideal for your business or leisure trips, its location 2 minutes from public transpo rt links makes all your journeys easier. You will be won over by this new hotel with 88 air-conditioned, new-generation rooms for 1, 2 or 3 people. You will find all the comfort you need with our cozy beds and free WIFI, all at a great price.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • EPERNAY, France

    ibis Épernay Centre-Ville

    The ibis Epernay Centre Ville hotel is located right in the center of the city. It offers 66 renovated and air-conditioned rooms, including Family Rooms. Our bar and snack service are open 24 hours a day. Treat yourself to our unlimited buffet breakfast from 6:30am to 10am during the week, and until midday on weekends and public holidays. Public outdoor and underground car parks nearby (charges apply).

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • LAON, France

    ibis Laon

    The ibis Laon hotel is located 2.5 miles (4 km) from Notre Dame cathedral and is the ideal base for exploring this medieval city which was once the capital of France. The hotel is close to local attractions including the Ailette holiday park, the Chemin d es Dames famous for its battle in WW2 and the dragon's cave. It offers 72 comfortable rooms with free WIFI, grill restaurant open daily, a bar area and free parking.

    Rated 4,3 of 5

    ibis budget Orléans Ouest Meung Sur Loire

    Ibis Budget, the smart lodging choice. During your travels, sleep in a modern and pleasant room, equipped for up to 3 people depending on the location, with a shower, toilet, and satellite TV, at a very smart price. Enjoy our inexpensive gourmet breakfast.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • THILLOIS, France

    ibis budget Reims Thillois

    The ibis budget Reims Thillois, a 2 star economy hotel, has been completely renovated for your comfort. It offers 80 modern, pleasant, air-conditioned bedrooms, for 1, 2 or 3 people. Equipped with a shower room, toilets, television and free Wifi, for a particularly attractive price. Benefit from a low-price gourmet breakfast. A large secure outdoor car park is available free of charge.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • BARENTIN, France

    ibis Styles Rouen Nord Barentin

    The ibis Styles Rouen Nord Barentin immerses you in a unique and welcoming universe. Come and discover the comfort of our spacious, stylish and air-conditioned rooms. Enjoy a quiet night's sleep and extend your experience with a buffet breakfast in our game-themed dining room. From Monday to Thursday, relax or work in our 24-hour bar and enjoy a delicious drink.

    Rated 3,9 of 5
  • TINQUEUX, France

    ibis Reims Tinqueux

    The 3-star ibis Reims Tinqueux hotel is located just 2.9 miles (4 km) from the city center. The hotel has 74 comfortable, air-conditioned rooms that have been fully renovated, offering you a stay in a peaceful green setting. You can relax in the Courtepai lle Restaurant, which opens its terrace on fine days, or in our bar, which serves snacks and light meals around the clock. Free high-speed WIFI access. Free outdoor parking is available.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    Ibis Styles Saint-Quentin

    Just 4 km from the train station and a stone s throw from the heart of the city, our modern, friendly establishment is inspired by the Art Deco style and delivers quality accommodation, perfect for both business and leisure travelers. Enjoy the charms of Saint Quentin, cradle of Art Deco style, from our easily accessible location. A magnificent and tasty buffet breakfast is included in your reservation.


    ibis budget Saint-Quentin Centre Gare

    The ibis budget Saint-Quentin Centre Gare, open 24 hours a day, is located in the city center and has a private, secure car park (fee applies). We offer a bar and snack service around the clock as well as an unlimited buffet breakfast. Our team is here to welcome, serve and advise you day and night. Ideally located to fully enjoy all the attractions of our Art Deco city and recharge your batteries.

    Rated 4,7 of 5

    ibis Saint Quentin Basilique

    Discover the Saint Quentin Basilique ibis hotel, ideally located in the heart of Haute Picardie. Our business and leisure customers benefit from our central location in the Art Deco town known for its cultural treasures, such as the majestic Basilique and the Antoine Lecuyer Museum.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • REIMS, France

    ibis Styles Reims Centre Cathédrale

    Breakfast and WIFI are included in all rates at the ibis Styles Reims Centre. Located in the very center, our hotel is near the Congress Center, Reims TGV station and the cathedral. It has 67 rooms equipped with a bathroom with shower, and 2 seminar rooms with a total area of 689 sq.ft. (64 m2). We also have a bar and a private outdoor car park adjoining the hotel.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • GIEN, France

    ibis Styles Gien

    Breakfast and WIFI included in all rates at ibis Styles Gien. The 49 refurbished rooms are spacious and air conditioned. We have two meeting rooms for 15 to 25 people, free private parking, a heated outdoor pool open in summer, and a fitness room. The hotel is ideally located on the edge of the Sologne, close to the Loire river, St Brisson, La Bussière, Gien and Sully châteaux, and the Briare aqueduct.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • ALBERT, France

    Ibis Albert, Pays De La Somme

    ibis Albert Hotel is located in the heart of the Somme, the land of the poppy. The hotel offers 57 aircon rooms, incl. 2 for people with reduced mobility, Wi-Fi offered. "La Flamm' Albertine" restaurant-bar, serves snacks 24/7, and a closed parking lot. Located near the sites of Boisselle, Thiepval or Beaumont Hamel, you can also discover the "Circuit of Remembrance" and the "Somme 1916" museum.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • REIMS, France

    Ibis budget Reims Parc Des Expositions

    10 mins from Parc des Expositions and downtown Reims, the ibis Reims Parc des Expositions is ideal for business travelers, as well as family and friends. Soundproofed rooms with A/C, a private bathroom, free WiFi, free large parking lot, terrace & many available services. Guests can enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast, beverage dispensers, dishes and treats to satisfy your cravings any time.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • TROYES, France

    ibis Troyes Centre

    From the ibis Troyes Centre hotel it's just 5 minutes on foot to downtown Troyes. Our hotel welcomes you with a contemporary vibe and spacious rooms, and whether you're here for business or sightseeing, you'll love the comfortable bedding and practical bathrooms. Don't miss our bar for some friendly me-time during your stay in the Aube! Dogs are welcome for a supplement of EUR 8.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • TROYES, France

    ibis Styles Troyes Centre

    546 yards from the heart of "Bouchon de Champagne" and a few miles from factory outlet centers, lakes, Orient Forest and Nigloland theme park. The ibis Styles Troyes Centre transports you to a place where nature is all round. Close to the banks of the Seine, our terrace and garden let you unwind while enjoying the sun's rays. Pets welcome at EUR 6. The hotel has 77 rooms with air conditioning and WiFi.

    Rated 4,8 of 5
  • ABBEVILLE, France

    ibis Abbeville

    Just outside Baie de Somme, the ibis Abbeville hotel-restaurant is an essential stopover for sea lovers who want top quality accommodation, pleasant staff and traditional catering with fresh and regional products. Free parking is available. Our 65 rooms have been renovated and are equipped with a double bed, a desk, phone, bathroom with shower, sink, hairdryer and toilet. WiFi is provided. Pets allowed

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis budget Abbeville

    Located 20 minutes from Le Crotoy, Saint-Valery, Cayeux-sur-Mer and Le Hourdel, our 2-star hotel with free car park has been completely renovated for your comfort! Equipped with a double bed and a bunk bed, a bathroom, a TV and free WIFI, our rooms can accommodate up to 3 people. Enjoy an all-you-can-eat gourmet buffet breakfast!

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis budget Troyes Est

    The ibis budget Troyes Est is the new hotel in Troyes. Ideally located 5 minutes from the city center, at the east-west bypass junction, just 5 minutes from the A26 highway. Factory outlet stores are less than 5 minutes away, and guests can enjoy the lake s of the Orient Forest, 20 minutes away. Reception is open 24/7. 83 air-conditioned rooms for 1, 2 or 3 people, in the new Cocoon style, equipped with new bedding, Canal+ channels and free WIFI. Free, secure private car park. Restaurants nearby.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • AUXERRE, France

    ibis Styles Auxerre Nord

    Warm ambiance, attentive team, ibis Styles Auxerre Nord knows how to host: breakfast, WIFI and good humor incl. in the price. The colors of the Burgundy rooftops are carried into the hotel. Discover an ultra-graphic universe. A decor with body! Off to the breakfast room. An intimate feast with the Duchess. The tour continues in the bedrooms: a revisited cask, stylish bottles... Plenty to feel merry.

    Rated 4,3 of 5

    ibis Styles Chalons en Champagne Centre

    Breakfast and WIFI are included in all prices at the ibis Styles Châlons-en-Champagne Centre hotel. Located right in the center, ideal for business and conferences at Le Capitole events center or a getaway in the Champagne region, discover the history of the royal city, its monuments, Notre-Dame-en-Vaux church - a UNESCO World Heritage site, the National Centre for Circus Arts, museums, gardens, the Joseph Perrier wine cellar and the "Métamorph'eau'ses" boat ride along the Mau and Nau rivers.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • AUXERRE, France

    Ibis Budget Auxerre Centre

    The ibis budget Auxerre Centre hotel is located a 10-minute walk from the city center, the train station and the famous Abbé-Deschamps stadium. Just a stone's throw from the tourist district, St Germain Abbey, St Etienne cathedral, the theater and museums . The hotel is open 24 hours a day and offers 49 air-conditioned rooms with free WIFI.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • DIEPPE, France

    ibis Dieppe Val Druel

    The ibis Dieppe Val Druel hotel is a 5-min drive from Dieppe city center, the castle and Estran Cité de la Mer. Close to Belvedere shopping mall, the hotel has 45 rooms and 1 meeting room. We do not have rooms for people with reduced mobility. During your stay, enjoy our restaurant, bar and enclosed private outdoor parking. For business stays or relaxation, enjoy high-speed WIFI Internet access.

    Rated 4,0 of 5
  • AUXERRE, France

    ibis Auxerre Centre

    Close to downtown and the train station, our ibis Auxerre Centre hotel works for any stay: professionals looking for a relaxing stopover, families or friends wishing to explore the region. Our modern, comfortable rooms, renovated in 2020, with high-speed WIFI. A 24-hour bar has snacking offer and sandwiches for the little hungry. Several parking lots are finally available nearby to facilitate your visit.

    Rated 4,5 of 5

    ibis Châlons-en-Champagne

    1 hour from Paris by TGV train, the ibis Chalons-en-Champagne hotel features 43 modern and air-conditioned rooms equipped with the new "Sweet Bed by ibis" bedding specially designed for your comfort. A 377 sq. ft. (35 m²) meeting room is available for you r seminars, cocktail parties and family events. Restaurant open in the evenings. 24-hour snacks and bar. Terrace and park with trees. Free WIFI access and free private parking.

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • DIEPPE, France

    ibis budget Dieppe Centre Port

    The ibis budget Dieppe Centre Port hotel is ideally located in the city center, a short walk from the train station, the port and the beach. With air conditioning and a 24-hour reception, this stylish, newly built hotel is 100% non-smoking. Rooms are equi pped with a large bed for 1 or 2 people or twin beds. Some rooms are also equipped with a single pull-out bed for a third person. The hotel also offers free WIFI and an enclosed car park (charges apply).

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • MERS LES BAINS, France

    Ibis Styles Le Treport Mers Les Bains

    Ibis Styles Le Tréport Mers-les-Bains welcomes you in a large, warm and friendly living space with mineral decor. Whether for 1 or 2 people or a family with 1 or 2 children under 16, you'll find the room you need. Our rooms have WIFI, a large private shower and toilet. Lavish breakfast with regional produce, bar open until midnight, snacks available 24/7. Large free and secure car park.

    Rated 4,8 of 5
  • MERS LES BAINS, France

    ibis budget Le Tréport Mers les Bains

    Our ibis budget Le Tréport Mers-les-Bains welcomes you to the large, warm and friendly space that we share with the ibis Styles Le Tréport Mers-les-Bains. Whether you are one, two or three people, you will find a room that suits your needs. All our rooms have private toilets and showers. Lavish ibis Styles buffet breakfast, bar and 24/7 snack service. Free high-speed WIFI. Large free and secure car park.

    Rated 4,7 of 5
  • VENOY, France

    ibis Auxerre South

    The ibis Auxerre Sud hotel is located at the Venoy Soleil Levant rest area. From Paris, take exit 20 for Tonnerre, take the first left after the toll booths, then follow signs for the hotel. From Lyon, there is direct access from the Soleil Levant rest ar ea.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • LISIEUX, France

    ibis budget Lisieux

    Lisieux and the Saint Thérèse Basilica are situated in the heart of the Pays d'Auge region and 30 minutes from the beach. The recently renovated ibis budget Lisieux hotel is ideally located close to the main highways and is an ideal base for exploring wha t the Normandy and Calvados areas have to offer. The hotel offers 60 modern, inviting rooms designed for 1, 2 or 3 people, with shower, toilet and satellite TV, all at a very affordable price. You can also enjoy the delicious great-value breakfast!

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • LISIEUX, France

    ibis Styles Lisieux Normandie

    The ibis Styles Lisieux Normandie hotel is designed to make you feel at home in rural Normandy. It offers spacious rooms, a fitness room, meeting rooms set up for videoconferencing, a bar and a restaurant serving regional house cuisine. You can enjoy the terrace and seasonal outdoor pool, and there's free private parking with 8 EV charging stations.

    Rated 4,3 of 5
  • null, France

    ibis Cambrai

    Located at exit 14 of the A2 highway, close to the city center, the ibis Cambrai hotel is ideal for your business or leisure trips. Visit nearby attractions such as Le Cateau-Cambrésis with its Matisse Museum, the Lace Museum or Vaucelles Abbey, or even t he Route de Solesmes Military Cemetery and dedicated memorial tours. Discover the Tank of Flesquières, which will be unveiled to mark the centenary of the Battle of Cambrai

    Rated 4,2 of 5
  • BLOIS, France

    ibis Blois Centre Château

    The ibis Blois Centre hotel lies next to the Château de Blois, 437 yards, 400 m from the SNCF train station. Stay in an authentic establishment and prepare to be dazzled by the charm of period moldings and a lift dating to 1912, all set in listed decor. A perfect location to visit the old town, the castle, cathedral and the Maison de la Magie museum. The Halle aux Grains theatre is 875 yards 800 m away. A paying Stationeo car park which is enclosed and secure is next to the hotel. Free high-speed WIFI.

    Rated 4,5 of 5
  • BLOIS, France

    ibis budget Blois Centre

    Our hotel is open 24/7 to welcome you. Our bedrooms have A/C and private, recently renovated bathroom facilities. Catering solutions are offered on site with home-cooked pizzas and a range of dishes in Vrai and Bon jars. Our full buffet breakfast is served on weekdays from 6 to 9.30 am and until 10.30 am on weekends and public holidays. Free bicycle storage and paid private car park available on site.

    Rated 4,1 of 5
  • BLOIS, France

    ibis Styles Blois Centre Gare

    Breakfast and WiFi are included in all rates at the ibis Styles Blois. Soundproofed rooms with AC. In the heart of the city, 109 yards from the train station and 5 mins from the Royal Chateau. The hotel has a contemporary design that blends modernity and comfort with a large, bright lounge. Ideal for work or for visiting castles in the Loire. Secure indoor parking. Seminar room. Fitness center and sauna.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • ARRAS, France

    ibis Styles Arras Centre

    Ibis Styles Arras Centre is a hotel located in the heart of the town of Arras. This modern hotel offers 91 comfortable rooms, all decorated with a personalized touch that adds a unique atmosphere to every stay. For business guests, the hotel has three equipped seminar rooms, ideal for holding meetings, conferences and business events. It has offers a bar and free WIFI.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • HONFLEUR, France

    ibis Honfleur

    An economy hotel with free private car park, ibis Honfleur welcomes you 24 hours a day. Our air-conditioned rooms are furnished in a contemporary style, equipped with free WIFI and a TV package including BeIN Sports. For sports enthusiasts and nature lovers, our hotel is certified Accueil Vélo and offers a bike storage room. Snacks available on site.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • HONFLEUR, France

    ibis budget Honfleur Centre Ville

    Located in downtown Honfleur, ibis budget Honfleur offers 63 air-conditioned rooms that can accommodate up to 3 people. Our reception is open non-stop from 7am to 9pm. This economy hotel is the ideal base for your business trips or family weekends visiting one of the most beautiful towns in France. We will welcome you in a friendly atmosphere to make sure you enjoy the sights of our beautiful town.

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • HONFLEUR, France

    ibis Styles Honfleur Centre Historique

    Welcome to the colorful, designer ibis Styles Honfleur Centre Historique hotel. In the heart of Honfleur, we pay tribute to Monet, Boudin, Jongkind and all the artists who have been here throughout history. Our comfortable bedrooms accommodate 2 to 4 people. Enjoy free WiFi and buffet breakfast. After exploring the landscapes immortalized by the painters of yesteryear, stop off in our friendly bar.

    Rated 4,6 of 5

    ibis budget Cosne Sur Loire

    Ibis budget, the smart accommodation choice! Choose to stay in an inviting, modern room when on your travels. Each room is designed to accommodate 1, 2 or 3 people (depending on the country) and has a shower, toilet and satellite TV - all for an affordabl e price. Kick start your day with a delicious breakfast for a price that won't break the bank!

    Rated 4,4 of 5

    ibis Styles Contres Cheverny

    Located just outside Sologne, near the Châteaux de la Loire and the Beauval Zoo, ibis Styles Contres-Cheverny invites you to an experience where nature and good living are the standard. The hotel is brand new with a contemporary, warm and cozy design and 61 air-conditioned rooms including 6 spacious suites and 9 family suites inspired by Tintin.

    Rated 4,8 of 5
  • HARFLEUR, France

    ibis Le Havre South Harfleur

    The ibis Le Havre Sud Harfleur hotel is a 10-min drive from the downtown Le Havre and beaches. The hotel has 72 bedrooms equipped with WiFi, including 3 for people with reduced mobility, bookable by phone only. We have a large private enclosed free car park, a fitness room open 24/7 and a bar where you can find a light catering menu. For your meetings, we have a 500 sq. ft. lounge with natural light

    Rated 4,6 of 5
  • ALENCON, France

    ibis Alençon

    The hotel ibis Alencon is located in the historic center, 10 minutes from the train station. Our 53 rooms guarantee a good night sleep. Less than 1,000 ft from the basilica, the birthplace of Saint Theresa, and the Musee des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle. Not forgetting the legendary racing track of Le Mans ,home of the 24-hour race, 31 miles away. For business or pleasure, discover the beautiful region of Normandy, its nature and heritage, and renowned gastronomy.

    Rated 4,4 of 5
  • FECAMP, France

    ibis budget Fécamp

    Welcome! The entire ibis budget Fécamp team welcomes you in a friendly atmosphere. Whether you're on a business trip or on vacation, enjoy comfort at a smart price. We offer rooms for 1, 2 or 3 people, completely renovated and air-conditioned with a private bathroom. Free fiber WIFI, large outdoor terrace. Free private car park.

    Rated 4,4 of 5